Another Night

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I have no clue what to title some of these 😳

Sorry for the short chapter!


Third Person P.O.V

Mike smirks as he sits in front of a banker, the banker looking over his file.

"Yes, indeed. I'm about to come into a very, very large sum of money," Mike explains, leaning back and crossing his legs. "A hundred thousand dollars to be exact."

"Well, is that so?" The banker raises a brow with a smirk, "in that case, sir, you'll be wanting our platinum card."

Mike leans forward with a wide grin, his eyes never leaving the card as the banker slides it to him.


The same woman from before was walking to the night club, turning to walk inside when the powerful roar of an engine stops her.

Hip-Hop music blasts from a bright red corvette convertible as it parks near a valet parking worker, Mike side smirking at the woman as she grins back at him.

Mario tilts his sunglasses down and watches in awe as Mike hopes out of his car, strutting to the woman and grabbing her hand, looping it on his arm in a gentlemen-fashion as she giggles.

"Well, well, well. Hello again," Mike greets with a smirk, and Mario steps aside and opens the door for the two.

Mike chuckles as others watch in awe, and the two head inside.


Ash watches her boyfriend laugh until he wipes a tear as he looks over the song list Buster gave to her. She chuckles and smiles widely at him, fiddling with a piece of her hair.

"Oh, man. These are like... The cheesiest songs of all time," Lance smacks the paper and hands it back to Ash, jumping off the couch to grab his guitar.

"I know!" Ash laughs as he continues his own laugh, "I mean, I was even thinking of writing my own song instead."

This caught his attention, making him pause and look at her in bewilderment as he condescendingly laughs, "what? Your own song?"

"Well, yeah," Ash replies with a shrug, looking at the list.

"Look, if you wanna win that money, just do what the old guy and chick say," Lance replies with a roll of his eyes in a bored tone, making his way to the bedroom.

"Why? You don't think I can write my own song?" Ash demands, making Lance scoff and hold his hands up.

"Woah, woah. I'm just saying," he nonchalantly replies. "Not everyone can write songs, okay?" She watches with wide eyes as he continues walking, "I know I make it look easy, babe. But it's not."


Meena smiles as she listens to her song in her headphones, stepping off the bus.

She quietly hums as it pulls away, facing her house before gasping in horror, removing her headphones at the sight of the neighborhood with encouraging signs.

"Oh! There she is! Quiet everybody!" Her Grandma shushes.

"So, Meena! Are ya in the show?" Her Grandfather eagerly calls, making her look around.

"U-Uh... Well... Yeah... Kinda... But--"

Everyone cuts her off by roaring with cheers, startling Meena. Her Mom screams with cheers as she races forward, scooping Meena in a hug.

"Oh! I'm so proud of you! I could pop!!"

"That's my birthday wish comin' true, right there!" Her Grandfather nudges someone.

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