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Third Person P.O.V

"I can finally see it's not just a dream..." Ash softly sings as she strums her guitar, looking over the ripped up photos of her and Lance. "When you set it all... Free... Free..." She pauses, changing her note before nodding. "Okay, wait, let me see..." Ash types it in the computer, nodding. "Set it all free, all free, all free..."


A guard overlooks the people as they talk to their jailed loved ones, grunting and patrolling.

"No, Mom, I have not made any friends. What d'ya think this is, kindergarten?" An older man scoffs as his mother sighs.


"If ya hadn't of squealed to the cops, I wouldn't be in here right now." A skinny bald man glares at his friend, making him roll his eyes.


"Honey, when are you getting out?" A woman asks her husband, making him sigh.

"I'm only gonna be in here a few years," he shrugs in reply.

"Well... Where'd you hide the money?!"

He sighs, shaking his head and doesn't reply.


"Where were ya?" Marcus demands lowly, glaring down at his son as he grips the phone tightly.

Johnny shrinks a bit under Marcus' stern glare, stammering softly. "U-um... Thing is... I went-I went to get gas--"

"Don't lie to me!" Marcus bellows as he slams his hand on the table, making Johnny jump before he slumps down.

"Um... I was at a rehearsal," Johnny quietly admits, making Marcus pause with a confused scowl.

"A rehearsal? For what?"

"I was at a singing contest," Johnny looks up at his Dad, nervous and guilty. Marcus looks at Johnny in shock, breathing heavily. "Look... Dad, I-I'm sorry... But I just don't want to be in your gang. I want to be a singer, and... maybe... get... a girlfriend..."

"Singer... Girlfriend?" Marcus slowly repeats in disbelief.

"I can get the bail money!" Johnny quickly speaks, his face brightening with a smile. "The prize is a hundred thousand dollars! And-- and this girl, she is the most incredible person I have ever met. I-I think I might be in love with--"

Marcus cuts him off by firmly slamming the phone down, startling Johnny and everyone else around him.

He slowly raises it back up, glaring at Johnny. "How did I end up with a son like you, eh?" Johnny looks up at his father with wide eyes, his words stabbing his heart. "You're nothin' like me. You never were... And never will be."

"Dad! Wait-- I will get the money, I promise!!" Johnny frantically yells while hitting the glass as Marcus rises and storms off, leaving him behind.


Ms. Crawly hums to herself as she shuts off the theater lights, saying goodbye to (Y/N) before leaving.

(Y/N) sighs to herself as she walks up the stairs, looking around the dark office before realizing Buster was gone.

She nods and begins to slowly wipe down the piano before grunting when she realized she forgot to grab the chair from the stage.

With another sigh, (Y/N) makes her way downstairs.


Johnny slowly opens the window to the office, adjusting his mask as he stealthily swoops in and shuts it gently. His eyes land on the chest, making his stomach churn with guilt before he shakes his head, grabbing it.

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