Trouble Ahead

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Another bad title, dudududuuuu!


Third Person P.O.V

"There may be trouble ahead," Mike soothingly sings, snapping and dancing to the swing music. "But while there's moonlight and music and love and romance..."

Meena stands next to Buster, watching Mike sing as she learns the ropes.

"Now, fade up the spot," Buster instructs as Mike continues, Meena nodding and doing so.

"--And dance," Mike sings, spinning around.

The lights light fade, and Buster nods in approval.

"Good. Lower the moon."

"Coffee?" Ms. Crawly appears next to Buster with a cup of coffee as Meena walks to the controls.

"Ah! Thank you, Ms. Crawly," Buster smiles, taking the coffee as Meena flicks the switch down.

The cables above creek, but nothing else happens.

"Okay, that's normal. Just needs a knock," Buster instructs, imitating a knock.

Meena nods and smacks her fist on the beam holding the cables, making them whirl and lower the moon.

"See? You're getting it!" Buster praises, turning back to Mike.

"And while we still got a chance," Mike pretends to dance with a woman, the moon lowering behind him.

"Has anyone seen my glass eye?" Ms. Crawly sighs, looking around.

Pete shakes his head and continues on as Meena and Buster focus on Mike. Buster takes a drink as she continues.

"The darn thing keeps popping out."

His eyes snap open as he feels something pop into his mouth, making him sputter and quickly spit the glass eye out.

It crashes into a light, knocking it to a control, breaking it. The lights from above come crashing down behind Mike as he finishes the last note of his song, making him scream.

Pete blissfully walks around, when the sandsack holding the light cable comes swinging around and slams into him.

The eye spins around on a hanging light before launching back to Ms. Crawly, landing right in her eye socket. She chuckles and shakes her head with a grin.

"Ya almost killed me, pip-squeak!" Mike yells in a rage, gesturing to the lights.

"I-It wasn't me!" Meena protests meekly, shaking her head.

"Oh, is that so?" Mike muses and scoffs, folding his arms before shrieking when the lights are enveloped in flames.

Meena shrieks, too, and grabs the fire extinguisher, racing to put it out.

Buster watches in a slight panic before pausing when he hears a groan.



Pete groans and looks around in a daze as the responders roll him in the back of the ambulance.

"Pete! You're gonna be all right, okay?" Buster yells as (Y/N) stands next to him with a worried face.

"This all happened in the time span of the few minutes I was up stairs with Johnny? Really??" She sighs, rubbing her forehead.

"Hang in there buddy!" Buster calls as the ambulance speeds away, noticing the fighting group.

"What's going on today?!" (Y/N) sighs in exasperation, shaking her head.

"Kyle? Brad?" Buster yells after the arguing duo, Harry following while sobbing. "Why aren't you guys rehearsing?!"

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