The Bell Tolls

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Is it weird when I write intense, action scenes I become tense? Like... It's like I'm there, and it's weird.

During the scene where Buster had to open the chest, my jaw was tense the whole time, and I couldn't relax it.

Anyway! Onto le chapter!


Third Person P.O.V

"Ready?" (Y/N) nervously whispers to Buster as the two stand on the Crescent Moon, side by side, just like they used to.

"As I'll ever be," he anxiously replies with a worried grin, taking in a deep breath as he prepares himself.

The moon begins to lower, making Buster quickly stable (Y/N) and the two straighten out.

"All people great and small!" Buster grins, handing the mic to (Y/N).

"Welcome to the Moon Theater!" She continues, trying not to look directly at the bright light as it follows the moon and its descent.


Meena slowly lowers the moon with a grin, listening to the two.

"We are your hosts, Buster Moon," Buster pauses, waiting for (Y/N).

"And (Y/N)(L/N)! And--"

Meena gasps as the lever sticks, only to jerk down as she swiftly tries to push it up, doing so after a second.


Buster and (Y/N) both gasp and shriek as the moon begins to fall, Buster grunting and holding (Y/N) up by her arm as she stares at the ground with wide eyes, her legs dangling under her.


Johnny gasps from his spot as he nervously watches her hang, anxiously fiddling with his hands as he refrains from rushing to help her.


He grunts as he pulls her back onto the moon, Nana shaking her head in disapproval at the danger as Eddie sighs in relief, slumping in his seat.

"O-Okay!" (Y/N) stammers, trying to still her shaky legs with a deep breath.

"Behold!" Buster manages out as he makes sure she was safe before standing up tall, "the very first stage..."

He and the squid owner make eye contact, the squid owner nodding with a thumbs up.

"Lit entirely by squid power!" (Y/N) finishes with a grin, the curtain behind them pulling open to reveal the water wall.

Behind the two, the squids circle around and light up the stage, following their owners motions.

From above, Eddie gasps and claps while Nana watches in awe.

Johnny and the others cheer at the sight, Meena relieved it worked. The moon lowers just a bit more, allowing the two to jump off the moon and onto the glass stage.

"Wonderful job!" She smiles at the squid, even though they didn't understand.

"Just follow us on the beat," Buster tells the owner, making him nod and prepare himself.

He moves so the squid all sway to the beat, appearing where Buster and (Y/N) walk.

"And as you can see, this is no ordinary theater!" Buster continues as the two walk to the beat, dancing slightly.

Buster walks to the right of the stage, nodding and following (Y/N) as she walks on the other side, both moving in sync.

"This is a palace of wonder and magic!"

Sing From The HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon