The Auditions

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Third Person P.O.V

Buster snuggles into his pillow, wincing as his alarm blares. He quickly shuts it off before yawning and stretching, sitting up.

Or, well... attempting to sit up.

He smacks his head on his desk, making him hiss in pain as he crawls out from under his desk and quickly gets ready. Buster brushes his teeth before smiling, his pearly white teeth shining as he does so.

"Well! Time to go to work," he grins, exiting the bathroom and into his office.

He sits down in his seat with a small twirl, pointing to the door. "And cue the crazy old lady and my baby sister."

As he says this Ms. Crawly enters with a mug in her hand, (Y/N) following with another mug as she brightly smiles with excitement.

"Good morning Mr. Moon," Ms. Crawly greets, waddling around his desk, "I made you some coffee."

"You did?" Buster takes the mug, pausing. "Where is it?" He questions as he looks inside the empty mug.

"Oh... I got a little thirsty on the way up those stairs," Ms. Crawly responds, making Buster chuckle as she walks away.

"And I made you another cup of coffee in case that happened," (Y/N) smiles in excitement, handing him the mug as he raises a brow in suspicion.

"What's got you all smiley?" Buster questions, peeking at the mug suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing!" (Y/N)'s smile grows as her eyes flick to the window, and she was practically glowing with happiness.

Buster squints at her, humming softly. "... You did something to the coffee, didn't you?"

"What-- no! Buster!" (Y/N) laughs, lightly pushing him, making some coffee splash to the floor as Buster tries to stable it.

"Then what?!" He giggles with amusement, setting the coffee down on his desk.

"Shall I go open the doors now?" Ms. Crawly questions, making (Y/N)'s smile widen more if possible.

"The doors?" Buster raises a brow, tilting his head.

"You got a lot of people waiting in line to audition, Mr. Moon," Ms. Crawly gestures to the blinds as Buster rises.

"I do?"

"Yes, you do!" (Y/N) laughs, pushing him to the blinds and pulling them open.

"Holy moly, I really do." Buster breathes as he presses against the glass, looking at the line of people that seems endless.

People all chatter in excitement, the line miles long.


"I swear to you, Eddie! This is no joke! If you doubt me, just ask (Y/N)!" Buster yells into the phone with laughter in his voice, "look! Just come down and see for yourself! I gotta go!"

Buster cackles before tossing the phone, squealing and dancing around.

"This is it, Ms. Crawly! (Y/N)!" He shouts, leaping onto his desk and fist bumping the air. "Get your beautiful selves downstairs and throw the doors wide open!"

(Y/N) and Ms. Crawly both nod in excitement before rushing to let everyone in, (Y/N) taking a deep breath and standing next to Buster as he adjusts his bow tie.

"Okay, um... One at a time, please. Calm down," Ms. Crawly says into a megaphone as the crowd all talks in excitement.

Buster sighs and marvels at how many people showed up, side grabbing (Y/N)'s shoulders and shaking her like crazy as she laughs.

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