Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing!

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I love this song uwu

Fun fact: the voice actor for Meena (Tori) auditioned for American Idol, and Simon thought her voice was too annoying and too high pitched

She took the criticism with a smile and held her chin up though! I love that she didn't let it get to her and continued to do her best and improved

I present... Meena!


Third Person P.O.V

"We have only two more acts," the crowd groans with disappointment, making Buster laugh. "I know, I'm heartbroken too!"

(Y/N) quickly helps Meena get ready, taking down her usual buns and allowing her light brown hair to flow down to her waist as she asks Meena to clip her bangs back.

Meena shyly agrees, and after making sure she was 100% okay with it, (Y/N) clipped her bangs back with a beautiful clip that matched her dress.


The brutes swiftly park their truck, piling out and racing inside.


Meena begins to panic, pacing around and biting her nails before shaking her head.

"I can't do this!"


"Would you please welcome for her very first live appearance... Meena!"

The crowd, especially her family, scream and cheer with excitement as Buster holds his arm out.

"Meena?" Buster questions, looking back at Eddie and placing his hand over the mic. "Is she coming out?"


"Meena, sweetie, you can do this," (Y/N) tries to coax as the shaken girl out of the corner.

"Meena!" Buster opens the curtain, "what's wrong, are you okay?"

"I... I can't move," Meena admits, her breathing heavy as she presses into the wall further. "I... I'm terrified!"

Buster and (Y/N) look back with a gasp as the crowd begins to clap rhythmically, trying to urge Meena out.

They look at each other, and (Y/N) motions her head to Meena, making him nod.

"Give me your hand, kid," Buster smiles, holding his hand out.

Meena slowly takes it, taking a deep breath and sighing as he lightly tugs her out of her spot.

"Okay, deep breaths," Buster breathes with her as he pulls her along.

"Meena, I know you can do this. You have to believe in yourself, and trust us when we say... You are going to blow them away," (Y/N) smiles, placing her hands on Meena's shoulders.

"And remember what I told you," Buster continues as the group watches. "You will not be afraid anymore if you just start singing."

Meena nods and slowly walks out, making the crowd cheer and some scream her name. She looks back towards the others, gasping as she runs into the mic and knocks it down.

It lands on a man's head, making her gasp and some of the crowd laugh.


Buster cringes, Ash and the others (excluding Mike) gasping and flinching sympathetically.

Mike laughs loudly, slapping his leg before yelping in pain as (Y/N) slams her heel sharply onto his foot.

Johnny snickers as he bounces around, sitting on a crate and holding his foot. However, he didn't dare to glare at her, since Johnny was right there.

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