My Way!

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I don't have much to say about this song I guess LMAO

I like it, and his voice, but I don't feel anything else. We just here for that reunion between Johnny and his Dad uwu


I present Mike! ... yay...


Third Person P.O.V

"He may be short," Buster grins at the crowd as they chuckle, "but there's no denying his enormous talent! Would you please welcome to the stage... Mike!"

(Y/N) rolls her eyes as Mike walks past, "I thought you took off."

"Relax, sweetheart," Mike chuckles, walking backwards as he adjusts his suit. Johnny glares at him, making him nervously laugh and face forward.

"Yeah. What are you doing back here?" Rosita demands, placing her hands on her hips as Gunter folds his arms and scowls at Mike.

"Just here to show you bozos how it's really done. Now, watch this," he simply replies, rushing to the stage and taking in a deep breath.


(Y/N) watches Johnny with concern as he looks down at the floor sadly, biting her lip before smiling, taking Johnny's hand.

"Maybe watching him will cheer you up. He may be a jerk, but he does kind of have a nice voice."

Johnny looks towards the stage and nods with a small smile, and both stand and join the others.


The crowd cheers as soft music plays, the lights dimming and the curtain pulling back.

Mike turns dramatically, looking longingly to the crowd.

"And now... The end is here," he clutches his fist to his chest, shutting his eyes. "And so I face the final curtain." Mike gestures smoothly to the curtain, "my friends... I'll say it clear. I'll state my case of which I'm certain..."


Backstage, the group watches with wide eyes and surprised expressions, (Y/N) watching with a neutral face as she leans on the wooden pillar next to Johnny.


"I've lived... A life that's full," Mike sings, everyone at the club swooning lightly.

One of the brutes spits his drink out onto the other, making him growl.

"I've traveled each and every highway."

"Boss! That is him! That is Mike!"

The Boss growls and shatters the glass in his clutched fist, shoving the table away and they all race to their car.

The woman from before watches with a gasp before looking back at the screen, her heart heavy as she watches Mike.

"And more, much more than this... I did it my way..."


Marcus grunts softly as he slowly climbs down the scaffolding against the wall. He jumps down, looking around at the dressing room.

"Regrets... I've had a few..."

He peeks out from the curtains, glancing to his right before looking left. He smiles as he sees his son, his eyes widening slightly as Johnny wraps an arm around a girl, placing a kiss on top of her head before allowing her to return to her spot.

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