Chapter | Sixteen

Start from the beginning

"Not that I'm aware of," Elaine says.

"Which one of you is the parent or guardian?" She curiously ask.

"I am," raising my finger.

That came out quicker than I expected.

She hands me a clip board,"I need you to fill this out, so I can have her officially checked in". I grabbed a pen and filled out the form to the best of my ability then gave it back to the nurse. "Right now she's asleep. You can come in to see her". I didn't hesitate.

We walk in the plain hospital room and I saw her tiny body resting. Her hair falling over her face, they took her out of the dress and put her in a gown. I stroked her head, watching her eye lashes flutter in her sleep. She looks so innocent ."The doctor will see you in a moment," the nurse exits the room.

"I should go, I don't want her to wake up finding me here. She'll have a fit,". Elaine stares intensely at Mary.

"Well, can I at least get you something. Food, extend your hotel stay, Help you find a place more permanent?". I didn't want to leave without making sure she was okay.

"I appreciate it, but you've already given me so much. When I needed you in desperate times you came without hesitation and stayed. Most importantly, your helping me give my precious a second chance. I don't know a lot of people who would do that for someone they barely know. You've done enough, Angeline." Elaine glances at Mary and exhales. "But there is one last thing you can do for me".

"Anything," I say

"Promise me you'll keep her safe. Care and love her, for me..." she looks me dead in the eyes.

"I promise with my whole heart" I love her already. I would care for her for the rest of my life.

"I believe you." She leans down giving Mary a sweet kiss on her forehead and whispers to her incoherently.

I stand up to give her a loving hug."Take care of yourself, you have my number." I whisper. "I guarantee this won't be the last time we see each other" she nods, wiping her eyes and exits the room.

I flop down in my seat and take a look at Mary stirring in her sleep.

I really hope this goes well.

Almost five minutes later, the door open again."Ma'am, there's is a slight issue. When I went to look her up in the system, nothing showed up. Are you sure this is her correct information?" The nurse from earlier says.

"Yes, that's what I've been told".

"Strange. Do you know if she ever been seen by a doctor before?".

"I have no idea. From what I know, she's been homeless all of her life". Am I missing something? she's never been to a doctor. That is concerning.

"That could explain it, However I'm worried because at this point it looks like she doesn't exist. It's extremely important, to get her up to date on her shots and vaccines"

"Yes I will do that. Thank you".

How can she not exist?

No records or anything. I should have done a background check earlier.Her parents didn't bother taking her to the doctor. How did she survive? She could have gotten really sick one day and died. Thank God she didn't. Yet, it is strange. I need to look into this. If not, I don't think I'll be able to take her with me.

While I am struggling to understand, The doctor comes in and informs me of her status, "Everything seems normal. Most likely she fainted from dehydration. We were able to get her height and weight while she was in bed and she is fairly underweight. But, the blood tests does show that her hemoglobin and iron levels are low. It is a clear indicator of nutritional iron deficiency, which is a form of anemia. This happens when a person doesn't get enough vitamins and nutrients in the body. It's not life threatening and it can be fixed. You will need to add plenty of iron rich foods and daily supplements to her diet".

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