Chapter | Fifteen

Start from the beginning

I'm wearing a black dress Angeline picked out. I automatically fussed about it. I'm not used to wearing dresses so I'm very uncomfortable right now. Last night she spent time helping me with my hair, making it presentable for today.

In front of me, there is large picture of my father in a green cap and gown. Angeline had to do some digging and called a few people to find that picture. Next to it is different arrangements of flowers and his remains.

I watch one by one, people speaking positively about him. Even Elaine said a few good things. Sitting in silence, I fondle the gold necklace around my neck, bouncing my foot up and down.

I want this to be over.

I can feel the headache reigniting.

The hand resting on my leg slows my pace,"Are you alright?" Elaine looks to me with a frown. I slowly shake my head, still bouncing my leg."I know. Just a few more minutes and it'll be over". Elaine wears black dress pants and a black collared shirt. Angeline is in a black skirt and white blouse underneath a black blazer.

"Is she okay?" Angeline whispers to Elaine, as if I'm not sitting right in the middle of them.

"All of this is new to her. I think she's feeling overwhelmed".

Angeline looks at me, rubbing my cheek with her thumb,"Not long now".

I wonder that when this is over will she leave for good? I heard from Elaine that she came here on a business trip. In other words, she's not even from here. The hotel made perfect sense because I thought she lived there.


The service is finally over. The whole time I was holding back all the tears and I'm regretting it now. I can feel my head pounding as I'm walking towards the black car we came in. I carefully hold the blue urn in both hands.

Blue was his favorite color.

I stop walking midway staring at it. He's gone, yet it still doesn't feel real to me.

"Precious, I'm worried about you, are you feeling okay?". I nod. In reality, I feel like crap. I hardly got any sleep, I haven't cried at all and my head feels like it's going to explode.

"Let's grab something to eat, huh sweetheart? You haven't eaten all morning". Angeline says, standing next to the car.

Again with the food.

I ignore her turning to Elaine,"Can we go back home, Elaine?" I said. Elaine looks at me before she puts her head down like she's thinking. It was a moment before she looks up again.

"Why not go out to eat first with Mrs. Morello?" she smiles. I forcefully shake my head.

Wrong move.

I touched my head to stop the pain,"I just wanna go home," I lower my brows.

"We can't precious. Okay?" She says a little sten but soft.

"W-why not?" I ask.

She just sigh and braces herself to say something,"Because it's gone. The police found the place and threw everything away. I only managed to go back and salvaged a few personal things but that's it. It's done". It cant be true.

Why would say that to me when I'm in the most vulnerable state in my life.

"Your lying! You just don't want me to go with you," I yell and stomp my foot in frustration.

"Precious, I'm not. Look at me," She comes closer to me cupping my face to force me to look at her. I look into her eyes searching for lies, but there wasn't an inch. "This is real."

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