disco pang-pang! (chansung)

533 16 8

song: pink cheeks

Jisung usually spends his Friday nights hunched over a book or working part-time at the cafe near his apartment...not with his bright-eyed best friend, Mia stuck to his arm like a leech (an adorable and precious leech, but a leech nonetheless) as they walk into the Wolmi Theme Park.

Her short, red hair whips into her eyes as she looks left and right for her target of the night. Jisung thinking she’s probably looking for a girl a few inches taller than her with tattoos and “plenty of cleavage so she has a pillow to lay on at night.” Her exact words when describing “the girl of her dreams.”

Jisung knows everything about Mia’s dream girl; thick thighs, lovely eyes, and a girl that can watch anime for hours with just the right amount of commentary and silence. Yes, he could probably write an essay about Mia’s dream girl.

“I fucking love you, Han.” Mia gushes as they stumble towards the long, winding line for the Disco Pang-Pang.

“Don’t even…” he mutters knowing he’ll soon have to endure passing comments about how cute they look together and the possibility of being flung into a stranger’s lap. The thought terrifies him, but he won’t let Mia know...yet.

The park is teeming with the energy a Friday night can only capture; loud laughter, the smell of burnt popcorn, and the sharp dingdingding as park-goers win prizes. Jisung takes it all in as they come to a stop at the end of the line.

Mia drops his arm and whistles, “Damn,”

“How long do you think we’ll have to wait?”

She shrugs, “Maybe,” she stands on her toes to better gauge the crowd. “Thirty minutes?”

Jisung presses his lips together and chooses not to respond as he eyes the line. There are about thirty people ahead of them, chatting amongst themselves and laughing at jokes made by the ride’s commentator.

Jisung listens passively, eyes scanning the ride and the way it jolts people out of their seats and to the floor. Nothing about it appeals to him, but he’ll power through it for Mia’s sake. If it were anyone else, he wouldn’t hesitate to pass, but he’s known Mia since middle school. She had dark brown hair then and was rather quiet. However, after talking to her for a few weeks, Jisung realized just how bold she truly was. Her boldness shows even now when she turns to the guy behind them and beams.

“I’m Mia,” she introduces herself to the guy, strutting a perm that works for him. He’s handsome, Jisung notes with a small, approving nod.

Perm-guy returns her smile, “Felix.”

“Did you come alone, Felix?”

Felix shakes his head, light brown hair swaying this way and that, “Nah, with a friend. He ran off to get something from his car.”

Mia hums and discreetly nudges Jisung who shoots her a puzzled look. If this is her way of getting him a date, she’s failing. Perm-guy—Felix—is handsome, but just not Jisung's type. He isn’t “looking” right now.

“Ah, okay…” she goes quiet for a moment, eyes flicking between Felix and Jisung. She clears her throat and jabs a finger at Jisung. “This is my squirrel, his name is Jisung.”

“Will you shut up?” Jisung grumbles, ears reddening a bit. He has a soft spot for pet names and often wonders how his future boyfriend would address him. He thinks about it when he’s not reading or overthinking the next day.

Felix chuckles, lips parting in a square smile, “Squirrel? That’s cute.”

Jisung  rolls his eyes, mindlessly digging the heel of his Doc Martens (a gift from his mother) into the gravel.

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