to m̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶r̶ ex (minsung)

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I heard that you're happy without me,
I hope it's true

falling in love was easy for both of us. but falling out of it was only easy for you.

maybe I was deep in love that i didn't notice you fading away from me.

i still remember when Chan hyung told us, how we are both gonna be together forever

was that a lie?

or when you told me that you will be always by my side.

was that the lie?

was I always being lied to

thinking back about all those beautiful memories, it's becoming more bitter to me

i should just leave it there

i don't want our memories to be bitter, even if we're not together. i would love to keep that always beautiful.

why did you leave tho?

was I not enough?

never knew that I will be experiencing this phase in my life.
i have been always unlucky afterall

unlucky with love
unlucky with parents
unlucky with friends
unlucky with myself

i don't want to continue this unlucky life either?

it's said that we can get atleast seven lives

what if this is my last life?


just letting you know that, you have been always good to me. you will always hold a place in my heart. maybe it was not meant for us in this life time.

you're always the first thought in my mind. when I get a text or when somebody says my name in hallway. but, deep down, i think i know it's never actually you. i am never going to be the one that swept of their feets by you. never going to have the previliage to be loved by you. i will never be that important to you. i am just the one in the background, the one you go to when your first choice doesn't want you anymore.

and when you left, i felt thousand knifes stabbing at my heart.
my eyes drowned with tears knowing that there was nothing i could do to get you back. and it hurts even more to know that you didn't care.

"I'll never forget the way you looked at me that made me feel so special. all the words you said to me that melted my heart, the way you put me before everything else. but also, I'll never forget the way you tore me apart, the way you left me like it didn't matter. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that you destroyed me or the fact that I thought you never would."

i wish you knew
how much it destroyed me when you left

you and I know how much I tried to make everything work and how that tore me to pieces.

just so you know, a part of me is still adjusting to this situation but I came to the point of realization.

I might still keep you in a special place because you were a part of me for so long.

hence, unrequited love and thinking of every ounce of how you couldn't fight for us hurt me.

this is not even a letter to disturb your peace or reconcile, it's just an open letter to let you go

to m̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶r̶
Lee Minho

From y̶o̶u̶r̶
han jisung

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