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It's been eleven days since we arrived in the states. I've been practically counting down the hours until I returned home since I boarded the plane. Just before I left, I had felt that space from Sera was necessary to keep me from giving into my distractions. Yet, now that there was an entire ocean between us, she was more distracting to me than ever. 

I had let my curiosity get the better of me and decided to spend my evening scouring all social media platforms for any profile that might resemble her. I was dumbfounded to find that she had none. Normally, I might have found this strange but insignificant. However, Jessie's words kept creeping back into my mind. She was hiding but from what? 

I set my phone down on the bedside table. I tossed and turned in the hotel bed, trying but failing to find a comfortable position. We had been doing back to back shows and physically, I'm drained. My body is screaming at me to rest but my mind has other plans entirely. 

Thoughts of Sera raced through my mind. Memories between us being replayed all too vividly. The way her eyes gleamed with ferocity upon our first encounter and how it had drawn me to her to begin with. A feeling that had yet to dull. I thought about the hand print incident and how she had silently scolded me with those eyes, how she had challenged me with them. The way she had seemed like she would give in to me but proved otherwise and left me staggering. 

My mind drifted to the memory of the towel, barely doing its intended job of covering her, and I imagined it falling entirely. My hips involuntarily arched upward as need began to stir within me, causing that incessant ache to rise again. I reached down under the covers and palmed myself in an attempt to abate it. If anything, it only grew worse. 

The memory of our interaction in the living room upon my return from Sweden intruded on its own accord. That same fire and challenge in her eyes as she bent over farther. She had all but dared me to come and take it. Like a imbecile, I hadn't. A choice I was severely regretting in this moment as I slid my hand into my shorts. 

A vivid imagination had always been my downfall, it had always been used as a method of torture against me, but in this moment it was the greatest gift I could ask for. I could practically feel her skin against mine, taste her sweet flesh, and inhale her intoxicating scent. It was enough to make the beast within me rear its head in search of the prey it craved. 

I stroked myself languidly as thoughts of her parading through my house, completely bare, played through my mind. I imagined her looking at me with those eyes, silently begging for my touch. I'd give it to her without question if I were ever given the opportunity again, though, I may have ruined that for myself. I craved the way her breath quickened during our kiss. All those breathy little pants that would escape her as she let animalistic urges overtake her. 

My little fox, the first chance I get, I'll ruin you entirely for my own selfish benefit, consequences be damned. 

Giving in to my desires completely, I brought my hand to my mouth and spat in it before setting back to what I had started. My body convulsed against my will as I increased my tempo, inching myself closer and closer to the edge of my ecstasy. Low growls rumbled in my throat as pleasure surged through my body. 

Challenging blue eyes watched me within the depths of my mind as I came undone. Warm liquid pooling across my stomach as I panted, struggling for breath. Relief washed over my body, but I was still left with that same feeling of want and longing. No matter how many times I had attempted to solve the problem on my own it was never enough and it always left me craving her that much more. 

I felt the sticky evidence of my release begin to cool and dry on my skin, yet I had no urge to move. Partly because I wanted to revel in this feeling a while longer, but also because I wanted to see if lying in my own mess would bring about a feeling of shame. I should feel shame in my lack of self control, shame in the way I continuously go against the warnings of Sleep. Yet, despite how long I waited, that feeling never came. 

I'll accept my punishment for my transgression, once more.    


A/N: Something wicked, this way, comes ;)


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