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It's your choice, little fox.

My intention had been to wait for her to come to me, but with everyday that passed, my patience grew thinner. The moment she decided to knock on my door in merely a white towel, I decided I was done waiting. She caused this madness and I wanted her to join it. 

Her eyes flickered down to my lips for only a split second, but that was enough to ignite that searing heat in her gaze. She tightened her grip on the towel and pushed it further into the swell of her breasts. I never knew that I could feel jealousy towards a piece of fabric. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. 

I supported my weight on one arm against the door frame just behind her head. Steam rolled off of her skin and wafted into my nose, intoxicating me with her scent. So desperately, I wanted her to cave for me, just as I have for her. This waiting game of hers was agony for me, but it was her way of maintaining power in this dynamic. What she doesn't realize is she already holds all of it. No matter how many times I tried to shift the power into my own favor, those eyes would bring me to my knees.  

She tilted her head up closer until her nose brushed against the edge of my mask. Her lips parted and a small breath escaped from in between them. My grip on the door frame tightened. The last of my self-control was slipping from my grasp and she was here, torturing me. I forced myself to stay perfectly still, allowing her to be the one that closed the small remaining gap. 

Choose me, just as I have chosen you. 

She looked at me, and even though she couldn't see through the mask, her eyes struck through mine. It was there, in the deepest part of her irises, that I saw the twinkle of mischievousness. The smile that her lips wouldn't form. She now understood my game and had decided to play. 

Just as her lips brushed against mine, she pulled back, ripping away the static charge as she did. I let out a low growl at the loss. As if to test her chances further, she cocked one eyebrow. Silently asking what I would do about it. So much I wanted to do, but nothing that I could.     

She stepped around me and padded off to her room, softly closing the door behind her. I was left there, alone with this maddening desire coursing through my veins. Such an elusive little fox, there one minute and gone the next. I stood there until I could trust myself not to go to her room and cross so many barriers. 

I grinned at such a thought. Perhaps one day, when our power dynamic has shifted back to me. Tonight, not only did she hold all control over me, but she'd put it to the test. Subconsciously, she now understands the very thing I've known for weeks, that I will bend to her will even if I'm the one giving commands. 

Both prey and predator in one body.

I grabbed a wash cloth from the linen closet and soaked it down in hot water. The black paint on my hands dirtied it before I even had a chance to scrub the door. I scrubbed my hands clean with soap and water before attempting to get some of the black out of the wash cloth.  Once I had gotten the majority of the paint off, I set to scrubbing the door. 

No wonder she'd been pissed, this shit does not come off of wood as easily as it does skin. I scrubbed and scrubbed, occasionally going to the sink to clean off the rag. I must've done that for an hour before the only thing left on the door was a faint grey smear. It was light enough that you wouldn't notice it unless you were really looking for it. 

I never had the intention of making her clean the door. I was planning to do it myself, regardless if she kissed me or not, but I couldn't help trying to bargain with her. I had given her a push and she had pushed right back. Although, that didn't mean that she hadn't seriously considered it for a moment. 

I went back to my room and stepped into my bathroom, intent on taking my own shower. I removed my mask and clothes, hanging my cloak over the bathroom door. I turned the water on and steam slowly began filling the room. I stepped under the stream of water and watched as the paint began to streak down my body and pool in the basin of the shower. 

Visions of Sera replayed in my mind, causing me to ache with need. I reached down and palmed myself. Resigning myself to only experiencing her through my imagination, I recalled the swell of her breast. How droplets of water dripped from her hair onto them, making me viciously thirsty.

As the vision worked its way through my mind, I began to rub myself. Allowing myself to feel the jolts of pleasure as I imagined her. Those pouted lips, how she teased me with them, allowing me to feel their softness without the satisfaction of truly tasting them. 

When I envisioned those eyes watching me with that mischievous gleam, I nearly spiraled out of control. That is, until their beautiful ocean blue faded off into stark white. Replaced by a different set of rage filled eyes. A pair of eyes I knew well, but hadn't seen in a while. The water ran ice cold, shocking me back into reality and nearly causing me to slip as I backed away from it.

Worship another and wrath shall be bestowed upon you in magnitude.

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