Sera- VIII

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Sometimes, dirt could be more stubborn than people. But, there was always a way to work it loose, even in the tightest of crevices. In this case I was using a toothpick to scrape away the dirt from the crevices of the baseboards. 

After a week of being on my own here, I had already deep cleaned nearly everything. Between sheer boredom and the need to keep my mind occupied on something, anything, I had gotten on my hands and knees to detail the living room. Switching back and forth between the toothpick and a cloth to wipe away the loose dirt. 

I've missed you, Seraphine.

I didn't know how he could have figured out my new phone number so quickly. I had gone through hell trying to switch over to a UK carrier while still living in the US waiting for my visa to get approved. I hadn't wasted anytime getting my stuff together to move. As soon as I heard he was free, I booked a hotel stay a couple of states over. It hadn't felt far enough. 

When it occurred to me that Jessie had moved to England not too long after the case was settled, I decided that might just be my best route. He had helped expedite the process when I forwarded him my application for the visa. Then getting me this position when my other one fell through. That's fine, I'd rather clean baseboards in silence than attempt being a secretary that doesn't speak.   

"Dedication is a good look for you, little fox." His velvety voice enveloped me, causing me to freeze. I knew he was coming home today but I hadn't known what time that would be. I turned my head back, catching a glimpse of the clock. It was just past six and I hadn't started dinner yet.


I moved to stand up so I could make something for us to eat, he must've been starving after all that time spent traveling, but he held his hand up before I could. 

"If you're planning to start cooking now, that won't be necessary." He said as he made his way over to the couch, sitting down where he was still facing me, and leaned back into the cushions. "Besides, you look rather busy. I'd hate to be the reason you stopped halfway through a task. So by all means, continue." He stretched his arms across the back of the couch and adjusted his hips. 

Questions about the nickname he seemed to have given me rose up in my mind, but were quickly snuffed out when I became painfully aware of the position I was in. On all fours, with my ass towards him, in a skirt that was nowhere near as long as it should be.  My heart began to pound against my rib cage and suddenly I felt short of breath. I wondered if he could hear the drumming of my heart as clearly as I could. 

Every ounce of self preservation, and common sense, told me to stand up now and go change. Something else kept me locked down. I couldn't decide if it was the weight of his stare, even from behind the mask, or if it was my own stubbornness convincing me to stay like this out of spite. In the end, my ego would be my demise. 

I turned my attention back to the task at hand and continued as if he were never there, even though I could feel his gaze wash over every inch of me. As I finished the area in front of me I slid the cloth a couple of inches down the floor. I lifted one knee a few centimeters off the ground, spreading my legs for a split second as I scooted down to start on a new section. 

A low growl emitted from him and my thighs clenched together involuntarily. Everything in me told me I shouldn't be doing this in the first place, let alone enjoying the kind of attention he seems to be so willing to give me. I wasn't sure why I was reacting the way that I was. It may have been because it had been years since I've felt desired by a man. Although, the heat of his gaze nearly scorched me from inside out. The energy that radiated off of him was as inviting as it was threatening. 

So much is said in our silence. The way he watched me and the way I pretended that he didn't have me in a precarious position. Yet, I couldn't stop myself from looking over my shoulder at him. I tilted my jaw downward to give my eyes as much of an intimidating look as I could. He bared his teeth in response and the sight nearly took the wind from my lungs. Right then, he looked like he wanted to shred my soul to pieces and devour them slowly. 

I fucking dare you, Vessel.  

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