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Thoughts of her being so enraptured by my lyrics made my chest swell with pride. Sure, my music was pretty well liked, but her opinion weighed on me more. I had never let anyone see a song that wasn't finished, let alone one that was written about them. For them

After that day, the remaining tension in the house had seemed to dissipate. We had gone back to our comfortable state of existing next to one another. Back to me watching her while she remained blissfully unaware. 

Although, now that she had read my music, I ached for her to hear it. The last show I had done I had seen her in the shadows of my mind. She was miles from me but I sang for her, anyway. It was because of her that I had worked tirelessly on this song, one of the few that I hadn't written for the deity I was enslaved to. Although, now that I had the rest of the collective on board with the melody and it had been rehearsed, I wanted to play it live. 

And I wanted her to hear it

I knocked on her bedroom door, hoping she hadn't gone to sleep yet. There was some rustling on the other side before the door cracked open to reveal the ocean blues that had become my addiction. She looked up at me with knitted brows and pursed lips.  

"You haven't taken a day off since you got here." I stated simply. Her confusion seemed to deepen as she cocked her head to one side and narrowed her eyes. "Everyone deserves rest, a day to just have some fun. And I want you to do just that." She gave me a small nod in understanding. "In fact, I'll be performing in a town close by. I'd like you to join. This way, I can ensure that you are having fun." 

She blinked up at me for a second, seeming to mull over her decision in her head. I know my tone had come across as demanding rather than Inviting, but whether she agreed or not, she was going. 

She'll only fight back if you force her hand on it. 

I gave a slight smile to her as a way of softening my request. In response, her lips twitched but she didn't smile- come to think of it I hadn't seen her smile at all. She grows more intriguing every day.

After some time she finally nodded her head. One small, curt nod. If I hadn't been watching her closely enough I might not have seen it. Either way, that was an agreement. Willingness. Desire stirred within me at the thought. As if the little minx could hear my thoughts, she rolled her bottom lip between her teeth. It drew me in like a gravitational force, I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to. Soon I was close enough to feel her breath fan across my chin. I grasped onto each side of the door frame, physically trying to restrain myself. Ah fuck, one taste couldn't hurt...

"Tomorrow." I said through gritted teeth, already regretting ruining this moment. It had to be done- it was too soon. She needed to crave me just as badly and I needed to be able to see that craving dripping from her chin. Among other places.  "Be ready to go by noon." In that moment, with the way she looked at me with that heat in her eyes and her erratic breathing, it nearly sent the last bit of self control I had into oblivion. The door frame had begun to creak beneath my fingertips.

I forced myself to pull back before I gave into the beast within. My Sera, such a pyre. I'd gladly burn my wings just so I could be near her. I wanted her to set my soul ablaze the way she had my body. She had driven me past insanity with need and I wanted to sink my teeth in her beautiful flesh. Selfishly, I wanted her to desire me just the same. I wanted to feel her teeth mark my own skin as I would hers; So fiercely that she couldn't help but draw blood due to how rabid she would become. 

Grow your sharpest teeth, little fox. You're going to need them.

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