Chapter 23

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December 19, 2022

Yekaterinburg, "Risen State of Rus"

Ivan entered the train station, glancing back at the busy scene behind him. The train station had plenty of civilians watching from a distance, and only he was permitted to enter thanks to his familiarity with Maria. Past the waiting rebel officials and leaders, he would wait for the four sisters.

Curious reporters and some cameramen from a few foreign nations stood together in groups along the train platform. The electric lights shone bright against the early morning gloom, never flickering. The digital displays flashed the imminent arrival time of the special train. Already the crowds were noisier, as if they knew what would arrive.

The reporters spoke through their microphones in their native languages, being taped live for the world to see. Some top rebellion officers and leaders were handed a microphone to voice their general stances. To the Russian rebels, the rising of the Romanov sisters was a genuine miracle with undeniable implications. God had delivered a miracle and a strong message according to the infamous prophecies of Revelation. The Lord would come soon to earth at long last. To those that accepted them, it was a joy like none other.

The Honor Guards allied with the rebels marched nearby to their positions along the imperial yellow carpet. Priests held hands in a brief prayer, mourning their excommunication yet also praising God for His doings. The leaders glanced at the arrival signs, almost anxious for the monumental moment.

As everyone waited with a potent mix of excitement, hope, and a bit of anxiety in their hearts, one of them thought of what to say. Ivan had wondered about this moment ever since he and Maria had spoken often by social media. The former Grand Duchess already knew that he was descended from her former crush in the Ipatiev House. She even got to understand him as a person. Sometimes he seemed a bit short on common sense, but he was loyal and reasonable whenever needed.

He also wondered if she really had feelings for him. There was the feeling that his hunches were correct, but he just wanted to know for certain.

He glanced at the flashing display again. Five minutes, it read. Already Ivan could hear the sound of helicopters flying high above, shining their spotlights onto the dimly lit ground.

"Mister Ivan?"

"Oh, Doctor Yulia! How did you get here?"

"They let me in. I saw Maria in that forensics laboratory that night, you know, before you gave her a shocking surprise."

"Okay, okay! We are getting along now. Just having a loss for words at the worst moment... Especially knowing that Maria will get here."

"Along with her sisters."

"Yes, all four of them."

"I sincerely hope that if her eldest sister discovered that you did shock her, she already forgave you. I do know that she was and is a tempered young woman."

"She's gonna kick my ass."

Yulia chuckled. "You will be fine. If she does know, you should resolve that with Maria nearby. Preferably in private."


"Stand at attention!" the Honor Guard officer ordered, and the other guards stood straight and still.

The leaders and priests excused themselves from the reporters, heading to the carpet with Ivan and Yulia. Reporters and their camera staff remained around to record the scene...

"They are here. What can I say?"

"Maybe words will be unnecessary."

"I really think they all need a hug. They did go through a war zone or two, and I am sure I would have lost my mind... I never thought Putin would go this far."

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