Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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September 14, 2022

White House, Washington D.C

3:02 P.M EST

President Biden awaited at the White House back lawn, looking up at a descending helicopter. He frowned when he glanced at the distant high metal fence and patrolled the perimeter around the White House grounds. Tens of thousands of his own constituents were booing, flipping him off, and protesting very loudly. Even a few Republicans had joined the protest to throw trash at the riot guards. The guards struggled to keep order among the flashing red and blue lights.

As the American President elected just after the now disgraced President Trump, Biden had yearned to mend the country and uphold justice and peace in the world. But he did not count on this strange turn of events to happen at all. The Russians of all people regained their Holy Martyrs. And they had somehow pushed back the Ukrainian advances with sheer number and force. Now, his fellow Americans had an almost unanimous opposition against him. It was ironic indeed... To have his country united against him and the returned newcomers.

But he held a strong conviction that starting a nuclear war would doom humanity. Yes, the President had a devout faith and knew that an Apocalypse would come... But he doubted that what the resurrected princess "Ella" said was entirely true. The world would not end for a while, Biden thought! There was no Antichrist so far, and the prophecies still seemed unclear- vague in some areas.

At least he could buy time for humanity to live and be safe for another decade or so, he had thought.

The black, presidential helicopter landed before him, and its metal blades spun slower until the engine silenced. The doors opened slowly to reveal the former Hessian Princess Elisabeth and the Romanov advocate Bob Atchinson.

They both stepped out, accompanied by Secret Service agents in black suits and glasses. Elisabeth and Bob Atchinson had gone to their hotel rooms to change their attire to something more appropriate. Elisabeth, dressed in a simple white blouse, a gray skirt, and a lilac coat seemed almost like a regular college girl. Bob Atchinson wore a gray suit and a tie as red as the American flag stripes. Both of them wore their firm and formal faces for the time. The final meeting would be a somewhat serious affair despite the temporary resolution.

Again, a compromise was unideal, but it still held merit versus dooming the human race.

"Mister President," Bob spoke, bowing his head for a few seconds.

Elisabeth did so as well. She felt uneasy at meeting the chaotic, dictating Russian President... Neither did she like the thought of seeing the very disgruntled Ukrainian President. Finally, she had heard that her Russian cousins had arrived with Putin the day before!

"Come along, you two. We have a meeting coming soon. We must tie up loose ends between nations and people."

That, too, also gave her a sense of nervousness. She had not seen them for over a century except for her brief meeting with Olga in a linked dream. As she followed behind Bob Atchinson, she took a deep breath.

"Everything will be fine, God will watch and protect us," she thought, standing still with Bob as the White House doors creaked open.

She steeled her nerves. Ignoring the shouts, curses, and chaos outside the presidential grounds, Elisabeth and Bob followed the United States President into the White House...

They went through a few rooms and hallways. The walls were pastel yellow or white, and the floors were carpeted with the blues of the American flag. Everything like the Alexander Palace seemed almost immaculate. Almost like a holy place.

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