Chapter 17

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November 21, 2022

Oberammergau, Germany

For Monika Agnata Reiner, it seemed like a usual night in her little yet infamous hometown resting in the warm alpine valley. She was looking forward to the next day of work- her labor of love. She would carve wood figurines of biblical figures to pay homage to God, from Hebrew prophets to Jesus Christ for the occasional pilgrims or tourists. It was a painstaking job by hand, but she knew that her hands and her skills would be put to great use...

She enjoyed a close bond with her parents as an only child, and she had a few close friends who shared her love for studying scriptures, literature, and fine arts. As a devout political moderate and recent local college graduate, she had seen the news. The lost German princess Elisabeth had risen and traveled around Germany and America. Even her Russian cousins, the unfortunate daughters of the last Russian Tsar, had risen! From a podcast she had stumbled across, she had heard Elisabeth speak with a top priest about the upcoming End Times. This news had already shattered her paradigm that His plan would happen at a gradual pace. She felt a variety of things as she tried to grasp this new reality.

Surprised. Shocked. Besides those, she felt rising joy for the future, often motivating her to join her fellow neighbors outside to praise and pray. She went to bed and wondered if the risen princesses would visit her hometown, however small it seemed. She dozed off into the familiar murky depths of dreams... But this dream was something else.

Monika found herself standing in an endless field of grass with little white daisies and other flowers. The sun shone bright and warm above, giving energy and life to the land. She looked around. A hardened dirt path winded past her to a distant structure- A gazebo.

The confused young woman ran down the path to the gazebo. The gentle breeze fluttered the folds of her plain light blue dress. There stood a familiar figure beside a table, and she froze still! She had heard of the Lord. She even had heart, faith, and works, even if she was far from His perfection.

To see Him standing right before her, sitting at a table with two cups of tea seemed surprising. Was she in heaven or somewhere in some interactive vision?

"Monika, I am glad to have a chance to speak with you."

"Uh... Am I in trouble?"

"Your journey to your heavenly home has not yet finished. Also do not worry about any judgment, for I have only come to assign you a small duty."

"Lord, what is it?"

"Elisabeth, who has been selected as a helper for one of the Two Witnesses, has forgotten to communicate to one of them: Bartholomew. I ask you to remember what I will say, for this will be news about what is to come soon in Magog..."

"Magog? Has it already come to be?"

"It already has. You already know it as Russia."

Monika gaped in surprise. Jesus glanced to the side, silent again...

"Russia? But I thought it was a Christian nation. Or has it lost its way?"

"Many of its people claim to know me, but have fallen into a spirit of idolatry for their nation. I cannot accept pride, arrogance, and hatred in the body of my church."

"Oh... Then I suppose all nations are lost?"

"People can be saved, but not entire societies which will always fall. I know this is much to take in, but you must tell Elisabeth the following warnings..."

"First, she and OTMA must know that Russia is the prophesied nation of Magog as in my Word."

"Second, she and OTMA must remember their mission to spread my Word, the revelations, and this news to those in Russia. I am giving another chance for repentance, and the Russians must choose for themselves. Truly I say to you, time is running out for the world."

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