Chapter 11

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September 19, 2022

U.N Headquarters Complex, New York, USA

The United Nations Headquarters towered tall over a dozen stories above their heads, shining like a fortress of concrete, steel, and glass. It was a wonder of the modern age and a symbol of human cooperation. It also struck their minds that the United Nations council was the closest humanity had gotten to a world government. Despite the various conflicts throughout thousands of years of global history, humanity could cooperate and keep some peace. The flags waved close together on their poles, despite their differences.

"Perhaps humanity could understand the greatest Commandment... to love others," Olga thought, as her sisters and cousin accompanied her towards the building.

"I'm very nervous, Ella... Again, why are we here?" Maria asked, glanced around while clutching her handbag tighter.

"They want us to speak about our lives. Maybe they will ask us about the resurrections, but they are a secular organization."

"I don't think that this world council would believe, or even understand us."

"I expect that to happen, considering the unrest and debate around the meaning of our coming. People cannot believe what they do not understand, Maria. It is human nature."

"Well said. At least Olga and her sisters can testify about their past experiences for the sake of teaching humanity a lesson... That we must not allow political conflict to escalate to massacre and genocide. Humanity has fought over many things like immature, prideful children. Now, we have the means to destroy ourselves, and we must buy ourselves time," Bob spoke to Elisabeth.

"You are correct, Mister Atchinson."

"Hopefully, something will be done about the mess we rose into," Olga muttered, squinting up at the flags of Russia and Ukraine.

They entered the United Nations room sometime later after navigating through the various halls and rooms of the United Nations Complex. The room was spacious, with oak paneled walls over fifty years old towering over four floors above the mint green carpets. Desks with signs naming every official nation had been lit up, all surrounding a large symbol of the world: a globe with olive wreaths of peace. In essence this was the microcosm of the little community of humanity.

OTMA, dressed in their business suits and skirts, had to leave Ella and Bob. They sat next to Putin, but their hearts and souls had long since departed Russia. They received a few stares and glares from leaders of certain nations, especially Ukraine and Belarus. Ukraine sentiments were mostly against the Grand Duchesses, as they had conspired and worked with the "Russian autocrat". Belarus, despite being an ally of Russia, had some disdain for the Romanov sisters. They had let down Russia and failed to "help their fellow ally as much as possible".

However, the Romanov sisters had much sympathy from other parts of the world including the Americas, Africa, and Western Europe. Some argued that they were sheltered and manipulated by authorities. Some argued that they had been forced by Putin to serve his interests. They were also victims, and both parties knew that world peace mattered more than land squabbles and resource grabs.

Olga sat down with her sisters near Putin. She glanced further at the German seats where the German chancellor, his closest advisors, and Elisabeth sat. Her cousin gave a thumbs up back, smiling. Then Olga glanced at Bob Atchinson with Biden, who was conversing with Bob and his top staff members. She reminded herself with a silent thought that everything would work out. Everyone would be fine for the time being.

The lights dimmed by a fraction, and everyone in the room knew that the significant moment in history had come. The first United Nations meeting with resurrected human beings, and the first United Nations meeting to address future policies regarding international relations in the 21st century.

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