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First year; first term; September - December 1989

Okay, one entire week and not a single letter from Caelum? Outrageous. There had been letters from his parents, his Abus, hell, even Aunt María wrote, but his cousin/soulmate? Not a single one.

Nicolás wasn't going to let that stand, so, he wrote the baboon a letter.

The first week of classes had been fantastic. Nicolás knew Hogwarts managed a system of core and elective subjects, but Castelobruxo didn't. They had 13 subjects each week, studying from 8 to 12 pm, and from 2 to 6 pm (only seeing Astronomy on Friday and Saturday midnight).

Charms, Potions, Transfigurations, DADA, History of Magic, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Muggle Studies, and Divinations (all the classes approved by the International Confederation of Wizards) were taken with an intensity of 2 hours for most, and 4 hours for Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, as Castelobruxo has special emphasis on those two.

Nicolás told Caelum how much he adored the golden structure of the castle, and how his roommates were uneducated gits —he had tired himself trying and failing to talk with them—, he also told him how his Transfigurations teacher, Mr. Grajales, was a bear Animagus.

Considering Casatelobruxo welcomed students from all of Central and South America, they offered all the classes in both Spanish and Portuguese. The only class Nicolás chose to take in Portuguese was Potions, the Spanish-speaking witch was awful.

The grounds of the school were immense, having not only the pyramid/castle, but also a large Quidditch Stadium, and a large clearing for Care of Magical Creatures.

Nicolás finished his letter sending his regards to Twiggle, the Bowtruckle Caelum had kept as a companion since they were seven.

Not two days later, he received his response.

Caelum told him about being sorted in Gryffindor, just like their parents. He made quick friends, as always.

There were the Weasley Twins, fellow Gryffindors, and his roommates. There was Cedric Diggory —pretty funny name if you ask Nicolás—, a Hufflepuff described, in Caelum's words, "nice, like, really nice." And finally, there was Dorian Lestrange, a Slytherin, son of two friends of their parents, back in their Order days during the war.

The first months of class went on calmly. Thanks to all the classes Nicolás received from his grandparents, he already knew most things about potions, herbology, alchemy, and care of magical creatures.

He started to practice wandless magic with his father, a few years back, and so charms class was easy, and both his parents had already taught him about Defence Against the Dark Arts.

The only thing complicating was using his wand, because, true to Mr. Arango's words, the potency of his spells was outstanding, but it was a bit temperamental in usage. The good thing was, because of Nicolás' relationship with the creatures who provided the cores for it, the wand would never work a single spell against him, that he didn't cast himself

A fifth-year guy thought it would be funny to take his wand and cast the Slug-Vomiting Curse, only to have it on him instead. Nicolás and Carlos —his only friend— spent hours laughing, and the guy never dared to cross his path again

For years now, his mother worked as the head of the Werewolf Office of the Ministry, an office in charge of keeping records of every werewolf, but also providing them with social insurance, and taking out laws for their well-being and school/work life.

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