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Looking far beyond the windowpane, the stars seemed to shimmer with more intensity. Nicolás, as the star-lover he has always been, decided to interpret that as if the very heavens were encouraging him, giving him their blessing.

And it's not like Nicolás' life hadn't already been filled with blessings. Not so many people were lucky enough to not only be born to loving parents but a loving family overall. Not everyone had the privilege to grow up in a Magical Creature Reserve, growing up surrounded by the most wondrous creatures. Learning all their habits and quirks and taking in the wisdom they offered.

Not everyone finds a friend and companion as loyal and unconditional as Ember. The adult Wampus Cat had come to Nicolás in the most unexpected way, in his visit to Ilvermorny when he was but six years old. And Nicolás knew he had come to stay since he laid his eyes on the barely days-old cub.

But even now, hearing Ember's softly snoring in his slumber, on his bed, the young wizard's heart still hammered in his chest, refusing to settle down like the chilling night.

He's always been an anxious person, for worse or for better. It had never stopped him from living, but it had certainly made his inner experience less satisfying.

His mother, Carolina, had to spend hours teaching him different breathing exercises and correcting his unhealthy behaviors. It's been years ever since Nicolás last bit his nails bloody or picked his skin. Generally, taking deep breaths, while mimicking them with his fists, was enough to calm him.

Changes had always been hard for him, but weren't they hard for everyone? It's not like it was his fault to feel this way, the only two big changes in his life had been pretty dramatic and soul-wrenching.

The first change came before his fourth birthday. It was the day The First Wizarding War had come to an end. Everyone, everywhere in the UK, was celebrating the downfall of the Dark Lord. Everyone but Nicolás' family.

On the night of the 31st of October in the year 1981, Nicolás' family suffered its biggest rupture. His uncle and his aunt, James and Lily Potter, were killed. That was also the last day Nicolás ever saw Peter Pettigrew and his uncle Sirius. Since that day, everyone refused to say a word about them, making it plenty clear that they weren't coming back, ever.

Nicolás spent days comforting Caelum, when the fact that his father wasn't coming home, ever, finally got in his head.

But what broke Nicolás worst, was probably Harry. The little cousin Nicolás and Caelum had so fervently sworn to protect, had been taken from them.

With their promises for the future shattered in a million pieces like glass, the Cardona family left the UK. Choosing to go back, semi-permanently, to the reserve in Colombia. Taking the following years to lick their wounds and slowly heal.

Now, the second big change that made Nico's life quiver, happened a year prior. Having been an Auror back in the war, his Aunt María was offered the opportunity to go back to the British Ministry of Magic as a Hit Witch, and she took it. Taking Caelum, her son, with her.

Nicolás and Caelum had been born four days apart. For months, they sleep together in the same crib, holding each other. They learned everything together: how to walk, how to talk, and how to offer comfort.

For eight years, all they had to worry about was exploring every nook and cranny of the reserve, tending to the creatures' needs, and spending time together.

But now, Nicolás was on his own. And he would have to embark on this new impending change alone. Caelum would have to bravely do the exact same thing. Tomorrow, they would start school.

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