Start from the beginning

Wiggling I sigh feeling the relief of a clean bottom I look back at the bed and nod glad Len is still sleeping. I hate that I am a handful but I know she ok because she loves me and I love her and if I could I would care for her more like she does me. Shaking my head from wondering to sad thoughts I grab my dirty diaper and find a trash can to throw it away along with wiping my hands with a wipe and throwing it away as well. Putting the wipes and powder up I dig some more and find me some jean shorts to put on so I can feel a little less baby like. Reaching up I feel my hair and I sigh glad its braided momma must have done it when I was asleep. Glad I dont have to fight with my hair feeling like that scene from Tangled I smile and giggle at this. I love my hair so much I hated I couldnt properly take care of it when I was homeless and alone, but I am glad I didn't lose it as well.

Now momma takes such good care of it has grown so much and is nice and soft, when its down it is almost past my feet now, though I know I need a trim I just hate the thought of cutting it. nibbling my lip I shrug mumbling, "T-Thinking so m-much Es..." nodding I make my way to the bedroom door seeing its cracked, so I don't have to jump to open it, I make my way out making sure its cracked the same and I listen and look up an down the hall to see if anyone is up. It is pretty quiet, and I hate to be like a creeper or burglar in the Randle's house, but I also have my curious exploring streaks when I am big and little, so I make my way towards what I remember is the living room area. Once there I see a few lamps on and that makes me glad there is light around I hate the dark. Living in a living city and on the streets there was plenty of light and noise, but I still had places that freaked me out.

Len has been baby proofing the house, adding more of my style and so much more to make me comfortable at home that I feel so safe. As me and Kell know Len is a mind reader, creepy but very useful. Giggling I make my way to the right remember the kitchen and I just explore trying to get my body to stop aching. It will be better soon it just usually takes time; I don't like worrying Len with most of my issues unless I necessarily need to so I tend to do this every time I am in bigger spaces and am alone. Which is most mornings or late at night if I wake up bigger. Since I am mostly little or in my newborn spaces I get my energy more and am in less pain I guess you could say getting old is a result and being young is a healer but I don't know I just know my different mind sets helps. Blinking I know momma didn't bathe me last night so maybe a bath will help once she is awake and can help me.

I nod fiddling with my shorts loops as I make my way down the entrance hall looking at the family photos on the wall. Smiling I stop in front of one of the three Randle's, Lola is hugging Piper from the side laughing as Piper is laughing and holding Chloe who is in a weird hanging position in Piper's arms with her head back laughing as well. They are a beautiful couple and family, this is the first other family and little I have met in the life style and I am glad it's the Randle's and they are so open and nice. I don't know how I or we as in momma and me would handle it if it was a different family or situation. Shrugging I continue admiring their family photos making my way back to the living room, looking around I spot the clock seeing it has only been fifteen minutes. So I make my way over to one of the straight back chairs and wiggle my way up into it, sighing as I get settle back into it and crisscross my legs.

I smile and relax looking around the room, it is quite cozy, and I like the warm atmosphere it puts off along with mixes of rustic and modern so blended. I am such a weirdo for design in any form make me just calm and it is another outlet I used when I was homeless so I could distract my mind from reality. Oh, to escape and I have so many ways I do, needing them is a struggle but I have been doing better since I met Len. She is my cure to pretty much everything that I struggle with. Zoning out I get lost in my thoughts as I relax more into the chair letting my mind wonder until I hear some scuffling and a door open, and it click shut. Blinking I look towards the hall way and wait with a deep breath to see who is making their way this direction. Once I see their silhouette than their face in the light I breathe lightly seeing it is Lola, she doesn't see me yet as she yawns and with her eyes closed. She is fixing her hair into a messy bun, and I just watch her walk by and into the kitchen, hear and seeing the lights flicker on I cover my mouth and giggle quietly.

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