Moonlit Miracles - Selene's Healing Gift Unveiled

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The night hung heavy with the weight of recent turmoil. The Enchanted Claw Pack had weathered an unexpected attack from rogue werewolves, leaving the scent of blood and fear still lingering in the air. Alpha Matthew had valiantly led the defense, but he had not emerged unscathed. His injuries were severe, and concern etched deep lines into the faces of those who gathered around him.

Among the worried pack members, Selene stood by her brother's side, her heart aching with fear and helplessness. Matthew lay still, his breathing shallow and labored. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a soft glow upon his wounded form. Selene's fingers gently brushed the sweat-soaked hair from his forehead.

"Matthew," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Please, get better. You have to."

As if in response to her desperate plea, something extraordinary began to happen. Selene's touch, light as a feather, seemed to radiate warmth and an inexplicable energy. She watched in awe as the wounds on her brother's body started to close, the deep gashes healing before her eyes.

Selene's breath caught in her throat. She had never witnessed anything like this before. It was as if the moon itself had heard her fervent wish and granted her the power to heal. Her heart pounded in her chest as she continued to stroke her brother's face, her touch seemingly accelerating his recovery.

The pack members who had been watching in worried silence gasped in astonishment as the injuries that should have taken weeks to mend began to fade in mere minutes. Alpha Matthew's breathing grew steadier, and color returned to his pale cheeks.

Selene's mind whirled with disbelief. She had always known that she was different, that there was something unique about her, but this... this was beyond anything she could have imagined. It was a gift, a miraculous ability that she had never known she possessed.

As Matthew's eyes slowly fluttered open, he met Selene's gaze with a mix of confusion and wonder. "Selene? What... what happened?"

Tears of relief filled Selene's eyes as she hugged her brother tightly. "You're going to be okay, Matthew. I don't know how, but I healed you."

Matthew blinked in astonishment, then gingerly touched his once-injured side, finding only smooth, unblemished skin. "It's like a miracle. Selene, you... you have a gift."

The onlookers murmured in agreement, awe and gratitude in their eyes. It was a rare and precious gift, the ability to heal. In that moment, Selene felt a profound connection to the Moon Goddess, as if the deity herself had bestowed this power upon her.

As the night wore on, Selene remained by her brother's side, watching over him as he continued to regain his strength. She couldn't explain how or why this had happened, but she was determined to understand and harness her newfound abilities.

Unbeknownst to Selene, her healing touch had not gone unnoticed. Alpha Eric, her father and the former leader of the Enchanted Claw Pack, observed from the shadows. His expression was a mixture of worry and protectiveness, for he knew that Selene's gift could have far-reaching implications for the pack and the supernatural world. He feared that others might seek to exploit her newfound abilities, especially since they had manifested so soon, before her first shift. His primary concern was to protect Selene and keep her safe from those who might covet her unique powers.

With the first light of dawn, Selene's healing abilities had already become a beacon of hope for her pack, a gift from the Moon Goddess herself. And as she watched over her brother, her heart swelled with a newfound purpose—to use her extraordinary gift to protect and heal those she loved, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

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