Among the Alphas - Selene's Insecurities

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The annual Alpha meeting was a grand event that brought together the leaders and representatives from packs far and wide. This year, it was hosted by Alpha Gabriel Sinclair of the Twilight Rose Pack, a gracious host known for his diplomatic skills.

As Selene entered the vast clearing where the meeting was held, she was immediately greeted by the vibrant tapestry of colors and cultures. Packs from different regions had brought their traditions, music, and cuisine to share, creating a lively atmosphere.

Selene had attended these meetings before, representing the Enchanted Claw Pack. But this year felt different. The shadow of doubt and uncertainty that had cast its pall over her heart since her birthday lingered.

The initial festivities and greetings were marked by warmth and camaraderie. Alpha Gabriel welcomed everyone with a heartfelt speech, emphasizing the importance of unity among the packs in the face of challenges that threatened the supernatural world.

Yet, even as she exchanged pleasantries and engaged in conversations, Selene's eyes couldn't help but stray to Connor, the second brother of the Quadruplets. He had always been the charming flirt, a magnet for attention from girls in any gathering.

Tonight was no different. Connor moved through the crowd with an irresistible charisma, his smile dazzling as he conversed with various girls who blushed and giggled in his presence. Selene watched from a distance, her heart sinking with each flirtatious interaction.

In her mind, a relentless stream of questions tormented her. What if Ronan's growing closeness to Jessica was a reflection of Selene not being enough for him? Would Connor, with his penchant for female attention, ever settle for a chosen mate? These insecurities clawed at her, threatening to erode her confidence.

Selene couldn't deny that Connor had a way of making anyone feel special when he turned his attention to them. That magnetic charm, the way he made people laugh, it was a gift. But tonight, Selene couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that gnawed at her.

As the evening wore on and the moon began its ascent, the Alpha meeting continued. Selene forced herself to participate, to engage in conversations and discussions that were vital for the unity of the packs. But every stolen glance at Connor deepened her unease.

What if he, like Ronan, found someone else at this gathering? Someone who could match his charisma and charm? The thought weighed heavily on Selene's heart, making her question her place not only among the Quadruplets but within the supernatural world itself.

She needed guidance and reassurance, someone to confide in. As the meeting progressed, she couldn't help but long for the comfort of Daphne's wisdom, the Luna who had always been her rock in times of turmoil.

The night was far from over, and as Selene navigated the intricate web of politics and alliances at the Alpha meeting, her doubts and reservations about her own worthiness as a mate continued to fester. The moon, as ever, watched over her with its gentle light, offering both solace and a silent reminder of the uncertainty of the path ahead.

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