Chapter 11: Humble abode.

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


I wake up to soft rustling sounds. I am feeling a lot better. I open my eyes and immediately scream. The other person screams too taking a few steps back. "Jungkook! You scared me !" I say as I slowly sit up on the bed. "I scared you ? You scared me !!" He heaves.

I scan the room. Did Taehyung go back home ? He must have been tired. I see a blanket kept neatly on the sofa. He must have slept there. I smile remembering what he said yesterday.

Hyejin appears out of nowhere and say "ooohhh what's that smile for ! For lover boy ?" I guess they have made it their agenda to scare the hell out of me. "Where do you guys keep appearing from?" I say as I roll my eyes , trying to avoid the earlier question.

"He is out there signing the discharge papers. If you're curious." she says as she reaches me and stand shifting her weight on one leg. Jungkook is rummaging through the medicines. This guy is not normal. Hyejin hands me a change of clothes. "Go wash up. I brought you breakfast." I nod and go wash up.


I take a seat on the sofa and start eating the breakfast. I was too hungry and got so immersed that i didn't notice the two of my friends standing infront of me and staring at me with their unwavering gaze. I look up , my mouth full , "guyss?" I manage to say. They both get out of the trance and look away.

I finish the last bite and keep the lunch box on the table. I keep my hand on knee and say , "don't feel sorry for me. I am okay. You guys helped me. Taehyung helped me. Look , I am doing totally fine."

They both look at me worriedly. Jungkook is first to speak. He lowers his head "I should've never let this happen to you. I live next to you and still couldn't save you. Why do you have to be the one to be like this." He says in wobbly voice. Hyejin has turned around and probably crying. I get up and approach them. "You have saved me countless of times. And I should be the to save myself. It's not your fault that I am such a coward . Do you guys get me ?" I lightly punch his arm. "Now stop crying." I turn toward hyejin and hug her from behind. "You guys are my bestfriends and you have always saved me." I say as i blink back the tears.

"Why you both leave me out on group hugs." Jungkook says as he joins , hugging us both. We all chuckle.


We three were chatting when taehyung enters the room. He looks at me and smiles. He has changed his clothes and is striding towards where we are seated. "Okay , We should leave now." Hyejin says as she gives me a quick hug. "Take care of yourself." I smile and nod. Jungkook pats my head , " get well soon. I'll miss you at the studio." He turns to leave. He exchanges a knowing look with taehyung. I guess they've become close.

After they left , we go quiet. I have been wondering what happened to Mother and Yuna. I heard him talking about them to Jimin. I stand up and he is quick to come to my side. "Taehyung , what about mother and Yuna ?" He freezes immediately. I can see his expression change. He furrows his brows and slides his hands in the pocket. "They are paying for their deeds." He says in a bitter voice.

The Marriage | wheetae ffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें