Chapter 4 :unexpected encounter

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I was hiding under the dining table terrified of the punishment i will get if mother gets to know that i have accidentally knocked off her favourite vase. Yuna and i were playing when she pushed me slightly and i ended up knocking off the vase. My knee was scraped and i was bleeding but i was more terrified of mother than treating my wound. I hugged my knees closer and squeezed my eyes shut on hearing her footsteps approching me. "Where are you hiding , you stupid girl. Come out right now !" She screamed. I did not move. She unfortunately spotted me and crouched to grab my arm and slide me out. She shook me vigorously. Her grip on my arm was painfully tight. She started dragging me up. "You will not understand like this. You must be punished. How many times I've told you not to play and just be inside your room." she shouted at me. I started begging her to let me go. She took me to a room and pushed me inside. I stumbled in and before I could turn back , she had locked me up. I started crying to let me out. Father was also not home but would he have saved me if he was here ? I soon realised that the room was all dark and there was not even an ounce of lightness. I started panicking . I have always been afraid of dark. I sat down on the floor and pressed my back to the wall. "I am sorry , please let me out. I am sorry. I will not play ever again.I am..." I kept whispering. My body kept trembling , i was breathing quick , short breaths , i was sweating profusely but kept on chanting "Sorry". After a while i heard the door opening up and i saw hoseok oppa rushing in. I started crying again as soon as i saw him. "Oppa!" , i screamed. He rushed to me and knelt down infront of me cradling my head in his hands. "Sshh , I am here now. It's okay , you are not alone. Wheein-ah , shhh , you are fine." he cooed as he wiped my tears. I hugged him tight pressing my cheek against his chest. He kept on holding the eight year old me , tight while gently patting my back till i calmed down.

I stirred gently and my body felt sore. I opened my eyes slowly. My throat felt parched due to all the shouting and the lack of water. I slowly tried to stand on my feet. I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me so i closed my eyes and waited for it to pass . I think it's morning now , judging by the sunlight entering through a small vent on the wall. That means i was here for whole night. I barely ate during the lunch and skipped dinner too so obviously i was mad hungry . I made my way towards the door. I tried turning the knob , hoping that it would be unlocked now. Now, that i have been punished. Fortunately, it was unlocked. It's still the early hours so no one is probably awake. I make my way towards my room.

I took a warm bath to ease up the soreness. I stood facing the mirror , staring at my reflection. I felt so distant , so lifeless. My eyes were puffy from all the crying , i had marks of fingers on my arm , my knee was scraped. I was too tired to treat them so I just put on my tshirt and pjs on and slumped on my bed. I felt my phone buzz. Oh ! I haven't checked on it since yesterday. Thinking of yesterday makes me squeeze my eyes shut . I really need to convince taehyung to call off this marriage and consider Yuna. Yes ! I will meet him and tell him that.

I picked up my phone and was bewildered to find endless texts messages and missed calls from Jungkook. 20 missed calls to be exact. He is my only childhood bestfriend apart from hyejin and the only one who knows about my condition and literally everything about my life. We all attended the same college together. While Hyejin started working in a corporate company , Jungkook opened up his dance studio and made me his partner. So , I taught dance alongside him. "Wheein-ah , where are you ? You promised to meet us on saturday , which is today !!!!!!! Wheein-aaahhhhh" he wrote. I chuckled reading his text messages. He can be very dramatic sometimes. I quickly texted him back letting him know that I will be there on time.

I was getting ready. I made sure to wear the shirt with full sleeves to hide the marks on my arms. I heard the door to my room opening up. I sucked in my breath. Mother entered the room. "Where are you going?" She demanded. "To meet jungkook and hyejin" i replied. She scoffed. She has never liked them but never bothered me from meeting them as they belonged to rich-powerful families and it was important to be on their good sides for the sake of Father's business. She stepped closer to me and dropped her voice low. "Listen to what I am about to say very carefully. You will meet Taehyung in the coming days and YOU are going to tell him that you will not be able to marry him. If you want to live peacefully , do what i tell you to do. Do you understand me ?" I would have told him that even if she wouldn't have asked me. "Yes , i understand." I replied. She gave me a satisfied look and walked away.


"I would like to have an iced americano please" I ordered at the counter of the coffee shop. Jimin likes this coffee place a great deal and had me tag along with him. It's not bad actually. It has a quiet and soothing ambience here unlike other coffee places plus the service is good too. Jimin and I were sitting facing each other. "See i told you , you will love this place." he boasted. I pursed my lips and gave a light nod. "So , when are you going to meet her again ?" he asked. "Who ?" i asked back , confused. He stared at me with his mouth open. "Your fiancé , you jerk , who else ?!" he retorted back at me. Oh ! Yeah , Wheein , my fiancé ! "I am planning to ask her on a coffee date to get to know her better. My parents wants me to get married this month itself so I need to discuss the details with her too" i explained. "This month ! That is superfast." he sipped on his coffee. We were chatting when I got distracted by the bell at the entrance . I looked up and saw a girl enter....wait that wheein ? It is ! She was wearing a white button down shirt and a black skirt that ended a few inches above her ankle. She had her hair down. She looked cheerful than the last time I saw her at her house. She was talking cheerfully to someone. It was then that i noticed that she was not alone and was accompanied by a MAN. He looked around the same age as us that is 28.

Is he her friend ? Brother ? But i don't think she has a brother . It made me realise how little I know about her. Or perhaps is he her Boyfriend ? I felt my expression turn sour at the thought. They made their way towards a table. The man helped her settle down. She smiled at him. He sat down next to her and slowly lifted his hand to pat her on head. I instantly sprang up and found myself marching up to them , ignoring the protests from Jimin. When I reached them , they were in the middle of a conversation. They slowly lifted their heads to look at me. Wheein appeared to be surprised at the unexpected encounter. She stood up and asked me , "Mr. Kim , what are you doing here ?"

Hey lovely people ! I am back. Although this is a short chapter. Jungkook made an entrance in this chapter finally. I hope you loved this chapter. If you did then please vote. Also Kim Taehyung dropped the most beautiful songs. I am so in love with rainy days and love me again. 😭 Can't wait for the whole album ! Also if there are any typos then please lemme know. Thankyou for reading.

-yours pika 💗

He is so ethereal ! 😭

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He is so ethereal ! 😭

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