Chapter 27🌹

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In a spacious, lavishly decorated room adorned with portraits of the Singhania family lineage, the atmosphere was tense. Abhay Singhania, a tall, stern man , stood at the center of attention. He had just made a revelation that sent ripples of disbelief through the gathered family members.

Abhay cleared his throat and spoke firmly, "She is the daughter of this house, Ratri Singhania," he said, his gaze unwavering as he addressed his grandfather, Ram Singhania, a man who had seen decades come and go.

Ram, seated in a high-backed antique chair, raised an eyebrow, his sharp eyes studying the young woman in question. His long, white beard framed his face, giving him an air of wisdom that was unmatched. "Is she?" he asked, his voice carrying the weight of his years of experience.A flicker of fear and confusion danced across Ratri's face as she vehemently denied her supposed identity. 

"NO, NO, NO, I'm not Ratri Singhania. I'm only Ratri, ACP Ratri," she shouted, her voice quivering with defiance. Her head shook vigorously from side to side, as if trying to dispel the very idea.

Abhay leaned in closer, his voice tender yet resolute. "Yes, you are my sister. Apne dimaag mein ye baat dalalo, Ratri. Jitna jaldi ho sake, utnihi  takleef tumhe hi kam hogi." He spoke with an air of conviction, attempting to persuade her to embrace her family ties.

Namita, the mother, her eyes brimming with tears, couldn't hide her longing and anxiety. "Is she really my daughter, Abhay?" she asked, her voice quivering with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

Abhay reached into his pocket and produced a set of documents, his expression unwavering. "If you want all proof, then this is the proof you want," he declared, presenting the documents as if they were the key to unraveling the mysteries that had plagued their family for years.

Purab Singhania, Akshat Singhania's brother, a man of few words but great integrity, stepped forward. He examined the documents meticulously, his eyes darting back and forth over the text. After a thoughtful pause, he spoke up, "This report is correct. There is no forgery in this."

family members gathered around, their expressions ranging from disbelief to astonishment, as they read the documents. The revelation was like a thunderclap, shaking the very foundations of their world.

However, amidst the turmoil of emotions that enveloped the room, one figure remained strangely calm and collected—Ram Singhania. His face betrayed no hint of surprise, no flicker of emotion. He observed the unfolding drama with the stoicism of a man who had seen it all, leaving the room in an eerie silence, broken only by the rustling of documents and the murmurs of disbelief.

The room had become a battleground of identity, a storm of revelations, and an enigma wrapped in a family's secrets. And at the heart of it all was Ratri, caught between her past and an uncertain future, with the weight of her family's expectations hanging heavily over her.

In the midst of the turmoil that had engulfed the Singhania family, Ram Singhania, the patriarch, issued a surprising directive."Lets do breakfast, all of you, gather on the dining table," he calmly suggested, his voice betraying no hint of the earth-shattering revelation that had just occurred. His words hung in the air, echoing through the room, as if he intended to carry on with life as usual.

The family members, including Ratri, exchanged incredulous glances. They couldn't fathom how Ram Singhania, their seemingly unflappable patriarch, could remain so composed in the face of a revelation that had shaken their very identities.

But just as they began to question his apparent indifference, another wave of shocking news swept through the room.A breaking news report on the television screen sent shockwaves through the family. The news anchor, with a grave expression, delivered the unsettling updates.

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