||Chapter 10🌹||

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As Ratri entered Trishul's office, she couldn't help but notice the restless energy that seemed to surround him. He paced back and forth, deep in thought, his brow furrowed in concentration. She couldn't help but tease him about it.

"Why are you pacing back and forth?" Ratri asked with a smirk, her eyes fixed on her superior officer.

Trishul stopped in his tracks, turning to face her with a hint of frustration in his expression. "Because there's been a robbery," he replied tersely.

Ratri raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.

 "So, what's the big deal? It's just a robbery."Trishul sighed, his shoulders sagging with the weight of the situation. 

"That's the point, Ratri. This robbery doesn't quite fit our department's usual cases."

Ratri, still smirking, chimed in, "Oh, you mean it's not the usual suspects and petty criminals we deal with?"Trishul nodded, his expression grim. 

"Exactly. This is a high-stakes robbery involving a jewelry auction. It's not something our department typically handles."Ratri couldn't help but chuckle.

 "You mean to tell me that this case just landed on our laps on my very first day here?"Trishul's frustration was evident as he replied, "You got it. It's almost as if someone wanted to keep us busy."

Ratri continued to smirk, her sense of humor undeterred. "Well, in that case, let's make the most of it. We'll solve this case and have some fun while we're at it."

Trishul couldn't help but smile at Ratri's unwavering optimism. 

"You really do have a knack for finding humor in any situation, don't you?"Ratri laughed.

 "Well, you have to admit, it makes life a lot more enjoyable."

Trishul nodded in agreement, realizing that Ratri's positivity might just be what they needed in this seemingly unusual case. 

"Alright then, let's get to work."Ratri nodded, her enthusiasm undiminished. "Absolutely. So, tell me, what do we know about this robbery?"

Trishul began to brief her on the details. "It was a jewelry auction that was targeted. The stolen goods are worth around 100 crore rupees, but here's the catch – that's just the legal value. The illegal value, if they sell it in the black market, could be infinite."

Ratri's eyes widened in astonishment. "Infinite? Are you serious?"Trishul nodded grimly. 

"Deadly serious. This is no ordinary robbery. It's a well-planned, high-stakes operation."

Ratri mulled over the information for a moment before speaking up. 

"Doesn't it strike you as odd, though?"Trishul raised an eyebrow.

 "What do you mean?"

"Well," Ratri began, "I can't help but wonder if this is more than just a robbery. It's too well planned, too sophisticated. It almost feels like it was orchestrated for a specific purpose."

Trishul nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "You might be onto something, Ratri. This doesn't feel like a run-of-the-mill crime."Ratri continued, "And if it was, why involve our department? There are specialized units for handling high-stakes robberies like this."Trishul agreed, "Exactly. It's as if someone within the department wanted us to take this case."Ratri couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. 

"So, we're not just dealing with a robbery; we're dealing with a mystery within our own ranks."

Trishul smiled, appreciating Ratri's astute observation. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us."As they delved deeper into the details of the case, Ratri and Trishul knew that they were embarking on a journey that would test their investigative skills, their ability to navigate the complexities of their own department, and their determination to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic robbery. The seemingly straightforward case had taken a twist, and they were determined to uncover the secrets it held.

Author POV:

In a dimly lit room, a television blared out the latest news about the well-planned jewelry robbery that had shaken the city. The room was filled with tension as several individuals huddled around, discussing the recent turn of events.


Amidst the discussion and speculation, a phone rang loudly, cutting through the atmosphere of unease. A man quickly answered the call.

"Hello," he said, his voice laced with frustration and urgency.

The voice on the other end of the line was equally agitated. 

"Hello, what the hell is happening there?"The man sighed, realizing he was about to face an irate boss. 

"I don't know, BOSS."The boss's anger was palpable. 

"What? You don't know? You told me that this robbery would happen, and no one would know. Moreover, how did this case end up with that ACP and that peculiar girl? At least, that case shouldn't have gone to them. You are of no use."

"Sorry, boss, but we didn't anticipate that the situation would escalate to this extent," the man explained, his voice trembling with apprehension.

The boss grumbled, realizing that the situation had gotten out of hand. "Just don't do anything for now."

"Okay, boss," the man replied, his tone reflecting his resignation to the situation.Just as the tension in the room began to subside, a sudden and frantic voice pierced through the air.

"RATRIIII, what the hell are you doing now?" someone screamed.

The room fell silent as everyone turned toward the source of the voice. It was a voice filled with anger, frustration, and perhaps a hint of fear. The name "Ratri" hung heavily in the air, and it was clear that the person on the other end of the call was about to confront her with a barrage of questions and concerns.

Ratri, who had been quietly observing the events, felt a sense of foreboding wash over her. She knew that the mystery surrounding the robbery was deepening, and her involvement in the case had somehow triggered a storm she hadn't anticipated. With determination in her eyes, she prepared herself for the challenging road ahead, where the answers to the enigmatic robbery would be revealed, and her own past might come back to haunt her.



I updated 10 edited chapter .you can all read till now .I will updated next chapter when view will be 10000+ ,600+ votes .so till then complete this target and

If you read all this chapters you can read my other book "HIS LIFE" till then 

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