Chapter 25🌹

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Author POV:

In the dimly lit room, shadows danced upon the walls, casting an eerie atmosphere over the scene. A young girl lay motionless upon the bed, her fragile form draped in pale moonlight that seeped through the tattered curtains. Unconscious, she seemed lost in the depths of her own troubled dreams. Her chest rose and fell in a rhythmic dance, the only sign of life in this sombre tableau.

Across from her, a man sat in silence, his gaze fixated upon her with an intensity that bordered on obsession. His eyes, deep pools of desperation, reflected the torment of a soul tethered to her existence. Every flicker of her eyelids, every shallow breath she took, seemed to determine the very thread of his life. In this dark aura of vulnerability, he clung to her presence as if it were his last lifeline in a world consumed by shadows.

The room held its breath, as if aware of the silent pact between them. In this unsettling stillness, the man's devotion and the girl's unconsciousness converged, weaving a tale of darkness and dependency. Their fates intertwined, their secrets hidden in the depths of the night, they existed in a haunting symbiosis, each prisoner of the other's existence.

As the girl's eyes slowly fluttered open, she found herself ensnared in an unyielding gaze that both startled and comforted her. The intensity with which the man looked upon her left no room for doubt; his love and desperation radiated from his eyes like a beacon in the darkness. In that fleeting moment, as their souls met in the dimly lit room, she understood that her existence was entwined with his, a fragile yet profound connection that held the power to mend the broken pieces of their lives. 

It was a silent promise, an unspoken declaration of devotion that transcended words, leaving them bound together in a world where love and desperation coexisted in haunting harmony.

"Rudra"she said first word looking at him.

"Yes,Rudra,how are you now?'

"what do you mean,how I am?,what the hell are you doing ,hell ,where am I ,this is not my room."

"Actually,Ratri ,you are not in your house,actually you are in---",Just as Rudra was about to speak to Ratri, the door swung open, and four men barged into the room. Their eyes locked onto Ratri, a curious mix of surprise and intrigue dancing across their faces. The interruption was abrupt, and the air in the room shifted from casual to tense in an instant, as though an unexpected twist had been woven into their casual conversation. Rudra's words hung in the air, suspended by the arrival of these mysterious newcomers, leaving the room filled with an unspoken anticipation of what was to come next.

"Singhania Brothers,what the hell are they doing here,Rudra"She said scaredly because she doesn't know ,why are they  and most importantly where is she?

With cautious steps, Abhay, Anay, Arav, and Rahul entered the room, their hearts heavy with anticipation and a hint of trepidation. They knew not how Ratri would react upon seeing them, as the past had held them apart like distant constellations. Yet, as their eyes fell upon her, the girl they had longed for but never truly known, their gazes softened, filled with a mix of tenderness and longing.

Abhay, the eldest, regarded her with a protective aura, as though he had been waiting all his life to shield her from the storms of the world. Anay, the thoughtful one, gazed at her with a brotherly affection, eager to share secrets and laughter. Arav, the sensitive soul, looked upon her as though she were a fragile porcelain doll, someone whose heart he wished to mend with love and care. And Rahul, offered a shy, yet warm smile, his eyes betraying the excitement of finally having a sister 

In that moment, the room was filled not only with the presence of a newfound sister but also with the unspoken promise of a family reunited, a bond forged in the crucible of longing and desire. Their eyes mirrored their unspoken hopes and dreams, and the air was thick with the emotions of a family made whole at last.

"Can anyone tell me ,why are you all here and where am I? I have been asking for a long time,please tell me "She shouted on them

"Hey ,Hey Relax ,we are not doing anything anything to just relax ?"Anay said cautionally.

"Relax, seriously? I wake up in a different room, and this isn't my home. How can I relax?Rudra,Can you please tell me what is happening and why I am in this room ,one sec .you kidnap me rudra ,seriously ,you are coward ."

"You are in Singhania Mansion, and most importantly, you are going to stay here from now on," Abhay asserted authoritatively, his words carrying the weight of a decision made, binding the girl to a new chapter in her life, whether she was ready for it or not.

"Who the hell are you to decide for me? Who are you to me? I am not staying here; I am leaving now," Ratri declared firmly, her voice carrying a tone of independence and defiance, unwilling to yield to Abhay's authoritative stance.

"Okay, just read this file, and then decide for yourself," Abhay handed her the file and took a seat in front of her, his posture exuding a regal confidence, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He knew that the contents of that file held the power to change everything, and he awaited her reaction with a sense of knowing anticipation, as though he were orchestrating a grand chess match with each move meticulously planned.

As Ratri delved into the contents of the file, her brow furrowed in deep concentration, her eyes scanning the pages with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief. The room seemed to hold its breath as her facial expressions underwent a profound transformation. Her initial confusion gave way to astonishment, then disbelief, and finally, a sense of realization that shook her to her core.With trembling hands, she finished reading the last page, and the file slipped from her fingers, landing with a soft thud on the table. 

She turned her gaze toward Abhay, who sat there with that enigmatic smirk still playing on his lips, his eyes locked onto hers, waiting for her reaction.Her eyes darted from Abhay to Anay, and then to Aarav, as if seeking confirmation from each of them. The weight of the information contained in that file hung heavily in the air, and the room felt charged with unspoken tension. What she had just learned was no joke—it was a revelation that had the power to reshape her entire understanding of her own life. The truth had dawned upon her, and with it came a sense of profound uncertainty about the path that lay ahead.

"No, no, no, you all are not my brothers!" she exclaimed vehemently, her voice quivering with a mix of shock and denial. The revelation in the file had shattered her perception of reality, and she was unwilling to accept the truth that had been presented to her. The room seemed to close in as her emotions swirled in turmoil, and her declaration hung in the air like a resolute protest against a world turned upside down.

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