Pepa x daughter! reader

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This suggestion was asked by __BlackDemon__22

( This is a new one I've never tried, but I'll try to do it, I've never made a oneshot with a eating disorder, so this might, or might not suck. Anyways, please enjoy this

-Yandere Freak)

~~~~Y/n's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~

 After doing my chores, I decided to walk around the village, which caused some people to say hi and wave to me. As I waved back, I noticed a small bakery that sells my favorite desserts: Cupcakes and Cinnamon rolls. I wanted to go inside and help myself, but I stopped, I looked at my stomach and sighed "right... I'm on my diet..."

I walked away from the bakery and continued to walk around the village.

After 5 minutes of walking, I decided to go back home to the Casita.

"Y/n, dear!" smiled my mom, Pepa "Where have you been?"

I replied "I decided to walk around the village, that's all."

My mom nodded her head in understatement, she then said "Anyways, Julieta finished making lunch, do you want any?"

I shook my head and said "no, i'm not hungry."

My mom looked at me with concern. She then said "Are you sure? All that walking probably made you hungry."

I shook my head and said "No, No I'm fine.. I'll just be in my room relaxing."

My mom didn't do anything else, she sighed and said "Okay, maybe I'll see you for dinner?"

I replied "Maybe...maybe not.."

Then I walked upstairs and went into my room to relax. As I sat on my bed, I hugged my stomach because it was hurting while growling, but I decided to ignore it and slowly fall asleep.

~~Time skipped// Dinnertime~~

"Y/n! Wake up! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my younger brother, Antonio bouncing up and down on my bed.

"Antonio?" I yawned (still half awake) "What's up? Why'd you wake me up?"

"Abuela said it's dinner time." Antonio said as he grabbed my arm, dragging me out of bed

"You skipped lunch and there's no way Abuela and Tia Julieta will ever let you skip dinner."

As I got out of bed to stretch my arms, all of a sudden I had the biggest headache and I felt like I was going to faint, but once again, I ignored it and followed Antonio to the dinner table.

As me and Antonio made it to the dinner table, everyone looked at me with concerned looks on their faces. Abuela was the first one to speak. She said in a gentle, and yet worried tone " Y/n? Is everything okay?"

I sat down next to my mom and Tia Julieta and said "yeah! Everything's fine *nod* *nod* everything's perfect"

Abuela looked at me and just shrugged while eating her food. As everyone continued eating, I felt even more dizzy and nauseous, it didn't take long for Mirabel to notice me

"Hey, Y/n? Are you okay?"

I looked at Mirabel and said "Y-Yeah...I'm.... I'm..."

Then my dizziness caused me to faint, right in front of my family. Everyone screamed my name before I was fully unconscious.

~~~An hour later~~

I slowly regained consciousness, I looked around and realized I was in my room, But I wasn't alone, Tia Julieta and my mom, Pepa were there, giving me concerned, angry, relieved , sadness stare

"Oh my goodness!" Tia Julieta said while hugging me "are you okay??"

Before I could answer, Pepa said while slightly thundering "you had everyone worried sick!! What were you thinking??!"

Before Pepa could yell at me again, Julieta patted her shoulder and said "hey...pepa... don't be too hard on her... she just fainted..

My mom looked at Julieta, she said softly " I want to speak to my daughter alone.."

Julieta nodded and got up and left my room, leaving me and my mom.

We stayed silent for a few minutes, that's when my mom broke the silence, she said "honey.... Will you tell me what happened that caused you to faint."

I sighed, tears rolled down my eyes, I explained to her about what happened. My weight, my decision for me to stop eating. After explaining everything, my mom made a rain cloud that made it rain even harder. She then hugged me really tight and whispered " Y/n.. please don't do that again.. I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore.."

I hugged my mom as we started crying softly. After three minutes of hugging, my mom pulled away and said "Now, promise me you'll eat for now on?"

"I promise." I said softly. My mom then cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead and said "Good.."

Before my mom left my room, she handed me an arepa and some water and said "here, so you won't pass out again."

I grabbed the water and the arepa and thanked her before she left my room. I bit on the arepa and drank my water.

"Mmm... this is amazing... maybe dieting was a terrible idea..." I sighed to myself while continuing eating my arepa and drinking my water

~~~~~That's All Folks~~~~~~

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