Pepa x Female reader

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This suggestion was asked by __BlackDemon__22

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This suggestion was asked by __BlackDemon__22

You and Pepa are teenagers 

(Y/n's P.O.V)

Me and Pepa was walking around town, having a normal conversation. That's when Pepa said "Hey Y/n, are you going to the Valentine's dance tomorrow?"

I put my hand on my chin and said " I dunno yet, I might, but I'm sure. Why'd you ask?"

Just before Pepa could say anything, a male voice interrupted her

"HEY! Y/N! PEPA!!"

We turned around see Felix and Diego

" Hi Felix, Hi Diego." I said with a smile on my face

"H-Hi Y/n.." Diego replied shyly while blushing

"Hi Y/n."  Felix said with a smile on his face

"What's up?" Pepa said as she crossed her arms

The two boys looked at each other, then back at me and Pepa.

Felix was the one who spoke first, he said " Pepa Madrigal... would you like to be my date for the Valentine's dance?"

Pepa's face turned red, she looked at Felix, then at me, which I gave her a thumbs up.

Pepa looked at Felix and said "y-yes... I would love to be your date."

I smiled at Pepa and said "congrats Pepa!"

Then, without warning, Diego gently grabbed my hand and said " Y/n.... would you like to be my date for the Valentine's dance too?"

I gave Diego a small smile and said "of course."

Diego's face turned red, he pulled me in for a warm hug and said "oh Y/n... thank you."

As I hugged back, Felix chuckled and said " Well, I guess we'll both see you at the dance, right?"

"right." both me and Pepa said

"see you later."

As Felix and Diego left, I picked up Pepa and said with a smile on my face " we both got dates for the dance!!"

"mm-hm... yeah..." Pepa said with a smile on her face "...can't wait..."

~~~~~~Timeskip to the Valentine's dance~~~~~

"We've made it!" I smiled as I walked in with my date

"mm-hm." Diego replied as he held my hand " and we're here just in time."

As I looked around the gym, I noticed Felix...alone?

"Hey, Felix." I said as I walked up to him " Where's Pepa?"

Felix turned to me and said " I dunno Y/n... she said she'll be here, but she's not."

 Me and Diego looked at each other, the back at Felix

"I'll try and look for her." I said as I walked outside

"Y/n wait!" Diego said as he grabbed my hand, causing me to stop moving

I turned to Diego and said "yeah?"

Without warning, Diego cupped my cheeks and kissed me for one second

As he pulled away, Diego said softly "make sure you come back."

I gave Diego a small smile and said " I will."

Then I walked outside, trying to find Pepa.

It took three minutes, but I managed to find Pepa.

"Pepa?" I said gently

Pepa looked at me and said "yeah?"

" why aren't you out with Felix? he's waiting for you."

Pepa didn't answer.

I sat down next to her and said "Pepa? what's wrong?"

Pepa sighed and said " Why did I say yes to Felix?"

I replied "Because he likes you and-"

Pepa interrupted me and yelled "I LIKED YOU!!"

I turned to Pepa, I felt my face getting hot "wait...what?"

Pepa replied while looking down, completely flustered "I-I like you Y/n... I've always have..."

Before I could say anything, Pepa leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss

It was nice and sweet, that's when I heard someone yelling my name


Pepa stopped kissing me, we both turned around and saw Diego and Felix


Me and Pepa both stayed silent, then Felix said "Congrats you two."

We looked at Felix with a confused expression

"Congrats?" Pepa said "But... aren't you-"

Felix replied  "I already knew you liked Y/n, I was pretending that I had a crush on you."

We both sighed of relief, then we looked at Diego, expecting him to say something.

Diego looked at me with tears and betrayal in his eyes

" Y-Y/n... I loved you!! You lied to me!!"

I was about to say something, but Diego stormed off, crying.

I looked down, sighing heavily

"Don't worry Y/n."  Felix said with a small smile on his face " He'll move on."

I looked at Felix with a smile on my face and looked at Pepa

"Shall we go back to the dance?"

Felix nodded before leaving me and Pepa alone.

Me and Pepa looked at each other, blushing.

After a few seconds of silence, Pepa held out her hand and said "Y/n, wanna be my date instead?"

I grabbed Pepa's hand and said "Yes, totally."

Then we walked back to the dance, holding hands

~~~~~~That's All Folks~~~~~~

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