Yandere Pepa x Female Reader

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This suggestion was asked by pepa1537

( Y/n's P.O.V)

As I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around to see where am I and what happened. As my eyes were fully opened, I quickly realized that I wasn't back in my house or in my room, instead I was in the warm basement, while tied up to the chair.

" What the? what happened?!" I slightly yelled in confusion " At first I was talking to Zoe but now I'm here?!"

" Mi amooooor~" I familiar voiced cooed as the door opened " Are you wake?" 

As the door fully opened, I was greeted by my crush Pepa Madrigal?! Was she the one who brought me here? tied me up?! if so.... then I like it

" Hello mi amor, how are you feeling?"

" I'm fine Pepa." 

"mmm.. that's good, now you're probably wondering why are you here. Well, I have an answer for that, It's because when you talked to that Zoe, I felt full rage inside of me! That whore wanted to take you away from me! so before I brought you in this basement, I killed Zoe."

" You...killed Zoe? for me? thank you."

Pepa gave me a confused stare, she then said " wait, you're okay with it? I killed your best friend, so you can be with me!"

" Yeah... I know that you loved me, I never loved or like Zoe... I actually like you,.."

Pepa's face turned bright red, the room was silent, until Pepa said softly " wait..... so... you don't care that I killed your best friend?"

" yeah, I don' t really care, I love you just the way you are!"

pepa stayed silent again, she then walked up to me and said " A-Are you lying to me?"

" No, why would I be?"

" Because usually- Well- I- You-"

" Pepa, calm down.." I smiled " There's no need to be confused."

Pepa then looked up at me and said while cupping my cheeks " You really mean it?"

" mm-hmm.. I love you."

Pepa gave me a soft smile and said  " Love ya too mi amor.."

sorry for that ending =>

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