Yandere Julieta x male reader x Yandere Pepa

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This suggestion was asked by GrimEncanto101

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This suggestion was asked by GrimEncanto101

( Y/n's P.O.V)

" I hope I didn't hit him to hard, he's been sleeping for 1 hour now."

" Yeah, that'll be the worst thing ever. Oh wait, I think I saw his eyes fluttering, he's waking up!"

As I slowly opened my eyes, I groaned quietly " ugh.... what just happened?"

As my eyes were fully opened, I was greeted by Pepa and Julieta?"

" You're finally awake dear." Pepa smiled " We was worried that you wouldn't wake up."

" Pe...Pa? Julieta? why am I here? what happened?"

" We kidnapped you!" Pepa smiled

" WHAT?!?" I yelled in confusion 

" Yeah, we kidnapped you because we love you!"

" That's the most stupidest reason ever!" I hissed " You can't kidnap me against my will!"

Julieta stayed silent, she then said " There's no such thing as a 'free will' we brought you here, so its finders keepers."

" Now it's losers weepers when I escape from you two freaks!"

Julieta and Pepa stayed silent, then a storm cloud formed above Pepa's head


" You will never leave us!" Pepa hissed angrily as she walked closer to me  " If you do, I will hurt you so bad that you'll never want to leave!"

 The room stayed silent, I then said " O-Okay, I'm sorry."

" That's better." Pepa smiled as her storm cloud faded away " I'm sorry I yelled, but right now, you should go to sleep now."

" What? I just got up! why-"

I was interrupted as Pepa grabbed my arm as she injected it  with a syringe

" You caused enough trouble hon, when you wake up, You'll be well rested."

I could feel my eyes getting weaker and weaker, just before everything turn black, I could hear Julieta and Pepa say 

" Good night mi amor, we love you."

sorry for that ending I was lazy and was running out of ideas

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