Yandere Pepa x Fem! Reader

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My 100th chapter 

This suggestion was asked by Lunaplayzmj49

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This suggestion was asked by Lunaplayzmj49

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I was outside, doing my night time jogging. The weather was nice and warm, perfect for jogging. As I was jogging, minding my own business, I heard something behind me. I stopped what I was doing, I quickly looked behind me.. Nothing was there.

"Strange..." I whispered to myself before continuing jogging.

Then all of a sudden, I heard a voice whispering my name, in a creepy manner.

I stopped running, now cold sweat rolled down my forehead, I slowly looked behind me and saw a person wearing a black hoodie and a black mask. My eyes widened in fear, I tried to scream but no sound came.

"Y/nnnn~" the voice cooed "Come here!!"

As the person tried to grab me, I kicked their stomach and ran away from them.

"Y/NNN!!!" yelled the voice "COME BAAAAAACK!!!!!"

I ran faster, ignoring the voice screaming my name. I continued running while grabbing my phone. As I tried to turn my phone on, it wouldn't turn on. Then I realized, it died! I groaned in annoyance and continued to run for my life. It didn't take long when I noticed an abandoned building. I made a sharp turn towards the building and hid inside. As I ran in the attic, I could hear the person's voice saying my name in a creepy manner, then all of a sudden, I recognized their voice.

"Wait.." I whispered "Isn't that?-"

Then the attic door busted open, and the person yelled "FOUND YOU!!!"

I screamed in fear and I walked backwards

"Y/n~" The person said as they slowly walked towards me "come here... I won't hurt you~"

"W-Who are you?" I yelled as I pointed at the person "show me who you are!"

The person stopped walking, they chuckled in a creepy way and said "of course dear~"

As they pulled down their hoodie and their mask, they revealed themselves to be: Pepa Madrigal??!

"P-P-Pepa??" I yelled in confusion

Pepa nodded and said "yes, it's me, your soon to be wife, Pepa."

"Pepa... why are you doing this?? Have you gone crazy??!"

Pepa replied while cupping my cheeks "Crazy for you~ now come with me, we'll be together...Forever!"

I shook my head and said "no Pepa... I'm not going with you.."

Pepa's smile faded... she looked at me with a frown as her eyes widened "what...what did you just say?"

"I'm not going with you Pepa!" I yelled

Pepa stayed silent, her face darken as she whispered "oh...my sweet...sweet Y/n... You shouldn't have said that.."

Then all of a sudden, Pepa ran towards me at full speed and tackled me to the ground

"P-Pepa!!" I yelled as I was trying to shake Pepa off of me "Get off!!"

Pepa didn't get off instead, she held my arm and grabbed her syringe and injected my arm, causing me to groan in pain

"Shhh...shhh..." Pepa whispered as she caressed my cheek "just let it affect you.."

As I felt my vision getting blurrier and blurrier, the last thing I ever heard Pepa say was "we'll be together forever...."

Then everything turned black

~~~That's All Folks~~~

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