Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
One Cup of Water to Go

His step was wonky, hugging the wall as he got out of the bed. The darkly lit hallway wasn't much help as he turned the corner, his entire body aching with each step forward. He sharply hissed in pain, winching as he moved, trying his best to head to the kitchen.

Normally, a cup of water wouldn't be such a bother and yet his entire being nagged for a cup. Something about the body needing to recover itself from the burns; truthfully he couldn't remember. His attention had left their words, his brain still registering very pain and flick that ticked his body. Distress wasn't even close to his feelings. A slew of unsteady thoughts filled his mind, ravaging again as if it were nothing but normal. It wasn't normal but his luck wasn't all too good considering the circumstances.

It had been a day since the incident. Well—the new "incident". He seemed to title every bad occurrence as the "incident", mostly because Pin found it an amusing gag. Now it felt like a punch to the gut.

He could still remember the blood that soaked Tennis Ball's vest, the green tarnished with a deep velvet. A shame considering Coiny was quite fond of it.

He took a second to stop, his breath heavy as he leaned against the yellow wallpaper, closing his eyes. How the hell did Pin do this? If he'd known, he would've helped her even more, letting her lean on his shoulder whenever she needed. Even with his short stature, he would've done it without a doubt.

Another step forward, his heart having controlled itself as he ventured forward. The moonlight sunk in through the patio door, illuminating the end of the hallway.

Good grief, how dumb he was. His entire world came to a pause when he woke up, not processing anything. Maybe it was the blow to the head he'd suffer, according to TB, that was. Or the aftershock of the accident—no pun intended. But their words were so fake.

They were trustworthy, having known them for so long made him sure but the words that left their mouths were wrong. As if he saw a note get played on a piano but a different sound came out. He couldn't describe it, the way the words fluttered. But the more he listened, the less he understood. Worse when his mind was so preoccupied with good ol' Leafy.

Even the name felt weird now. Thinking it made him feel woozy.

He sighed heavily as he took another step, his movements slowing down as he tried to regain control of his exhausted body.

He could remember that night with her—the smile that delicately traced her face. Jeez, it was beautiful to see her smile. After not seeing her for so long it felt so ethereal. The way she hummed softly when silence overcame them, closing his eyes as just her presence was calming. In full honesty, he felt the need for her presence then and there; as he practically clung to the wall for a cup of water. She'd say something along the lines of "I don't think it's good for you to do this" and immediately follow it up with, "You know what, I'll go get it for you".

She'd return with a cup in hand, helping him to sit and place the cup in his hand. A soft but firm tone she would speak as she sat next to him, almost expectantly. And he wouldn't bother disagreeing with her. He'd lean against her shoulder, catching his breath and she'd help him up and take him to bed.

He blinked, his breath caught in his throat. That was a little too detailed, even for him.

Although... it wasn't all too good for him to be thinking of her that much. He'd confused Pin for Leafy in his groggy state, his vision so muddled along with the low-lit room didn't help.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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