Chapter 11

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Chapter 11



It had happened again.

The acidic taste burned my throat as I leaned against the rim of the toilet seat. My head felt like it was swinging from side to side; my body shivering with the icy feel of the midnight air. The cold checkered tiles of the bathroom against my skin as I gasped for air. I could feel the trail of tears stream down my face. Every time it hurt more. Like needles stabbing my esophagus as my body got rid of the already little food I ate throughout the day. My body hurt. My felt like it was in a trance, the world around buzzing and in loops.  I didn't feel like getting up. I just wished for death. At least, metaphorically, I wished for it.

My eyes flickered back and forth from the floor to the door that I had slammed to get in, standing wide open – the dim hallway light seeping into the room. I suddenly saw her silhouette easing her way through the  hallway as quickly as she could.

I had caused a commotion. I wasn't expecting it. Just staring out the window, thinking and breathing in the thick dark air. And it hit, so unexpectedly. It just came up and felt like I had no time.

The sick acidic smell still lingered in the air when she peered through the door. I could see her heart sink when she got a glance of what had gone down. She didn't hesitate anymore, and came closer to me. A glance into her eyes and one could see the worry eating her up.

"Coiny, what in the pin factory is happening?!" She remarked, her voice almost strained. I stayed quiet as fI elt a small smile form at the tips of my mouth. Why? I wasn't sure, but I couldn't help but follow up that smile with a forced chuckle. My voice was tired as I spoke.

"I don't know anymore."

The confusion in her seemingly glossed her eyes, before she kneeled down, attempting to get a better look at me. I could see tears prick her eyes as she scanned me. I couldn't help question her. "Why do you care," I said with a small giggle.

She gave a scoff as she inched closer to me, grabbing my hand in hers. The sudden cold metallic feel made me jump at contact. She entwined my hand with hers, her sight on the floor. "I care about you, Coiny."

The smile on my face grew as I caressed her hand with my thumb. "I know." Her skin – uh– metallic hand felt soft. Somehow. I looked up to her face, quickly noting the smile that tugged at her lips. A soft glow dusted her cheeks, before she glanced at me.

"I'm taking you to GB first thing tomorrow."

As if suddenly, my head got its act together, the realization of what she had said ringing in my head. "What!?" I let go of her hand as I pulled back from her. "That madwoman?!"

She looked taken back as she tried reassuring me. "It's okay! GB knows what she is doing. I'm pretty sure she can help you." She set her now free hand on the floor, leaning in trying to comfort me.

I rolled my eyes, protesting with, "But she isn't a doctor or anything related to that! She's a mechanical engineer and a technician!"

"Well, she certainly knows a lot more than both of us combined, ya' know?" I suck into my seat as I realized what might happen. If she found out about Leafy, I was dead.

"Look, to be honest, it's probably nothing. I don't think it would be good to bother her on a weeken-"

"Coiny, we are going GB regardlessly of whether or not you want to go. This is the 6th time it has happened. You could be sick for all we know," Pin exclaimed as she reached out for my hand. I pulled back my hand as I began fidgeting with the collar of my shirt.

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