You are "mine"

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Minho POV

I was awakened up by someone's snoring. When I opened my eyes I saw Hyunjin sleeping next to me. His face was so close to mine. He was really handsome. His arms was wrapped around me and he was holding me tight. I tried to wake him up but he just kept snoring. I kissed him on the lips thinking that it would maybe wake him up.

Actually it worked but before I could talked, he was sitting on top of me.

Hyunjin: mhm good morning babe.
Minho: g-good morning..
Hyunjin: aww you are blushing so cute. Btw that kiss was amazing. I hope that everyday you will wake me up like that.
Minho: s-shut up..

3rd person POV

Hyunjin got off Minho and made his way to bathroom. He started to brush his teeth. Meanwhile Minho grabbed his phone and texted Chan


Minho- Good morning Channie

Chan- Good morning Minho! Did you sleep well?

Minho- yeah I did thks. Hbu?

Chan- I kinda struggled at first but yeah I managed to sleep at the end

Minho- good to hear. Um can we meet today

Chan- ofc! Where? When?

Minho- Can I come to your house at 2pm?

Chan- ofc!

Minho- Nice then. See you later

Chan- See you later Minho<3

Minho signed before putting his phone on the bed. He suddenly zoned out. He kept thinking about what do say to Chan. He didn't want to hurt Chan.

Hyunjin: yooo! Are u okay?
Minho: yeah..

Minho got off bed and went to the bathroom. Hyunjin looked at him concerned. He knew that Minho was thinking about Chan.


Minho: where is your mom?
Hyunjin: at work
Minho: hm
Hyunjin: you good?
Minho: I am dw. I'm going to meet Chan at 2pm at his house
Hyunjin: his house? I don't really like that
Minho: Hyunjin yk that I'm going to talk to him nothing much
Hyunjin: yeah babe, I was joking


"Knock knock"


Chan: Minho! Hii!
Minho: Hii
Chan: come in!

Minho took his shoes off before entering. He sat on the sofa. Chan went into the kitchen and came back with two mugs of hot chocolate. He sat next to Minho. He looked very excited.

Chan POV

I missed Minho so much. It's been a long time since he came to my house. He looked kinda sad. Maybe something happened I hope nothing bad.

Minho: Chan..we need to talk
Chan: what is it?
Minho: Me and Hyunjin are dating

3rd person POV

When Chan heard this his heart broke into pieces, his mug too.

Minho: Chan! Are you okay?!
Chan: what..
Minho: I- I'm sorry I know that you have a crush on me.

Minho started crying. He placed his mug on the little table next to the sofa and gently grabbed Chan's hand. He looked into his eyes and continued

Minho: I'm sorry I don't want to hurt you. I love you but

<like a big brother>

Hearing this words Chan wanted to scream. He didn't want Minho to like him like "a big brother". He wanted Minho just for himself. He wanted to be able to call Minho "his". He wanted to be the only one being able to kiss him, hug him, touch him. He wanted Minho to be by his side forever. It was his dream. But it was stolen by Hyunjin.

Minho: I'm sorry I'm so sorry Chan. Pls forgive me. What can I do for you to forgive me
Chan: be mine
Minho: what..

Chan grabbed Minho by his face. He was crying too.

Chan: Then be mine! Minho I had known you for years! You still chose Hyunjin over me?! He doesn't know you like I do?! He doesn't know that you have a scar on you stomach huh? Unless you guys did it...
Minho: We didn't! We just kissed nothing more.
Chan: Still tho! I can't accept that someone else kiss you. On the lips!
Minho: you will find someone better Chan. I'm sorry

Chan looked at Minho right in the eyes. He looked like he was about to explode or kill someone. Chan then kissed Minho on the lips. The younger male was shocked. He tried to push Chan away but Chan was stronger. The older male then pushed Minho away and walked to the door. He grabbed his key and said before leaving

Chan: I'm going to kill him. You are mine

He then closed the door and locked it. Leaving Minho inside all alone.

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