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Minho- So.. Hyunjin just be honest to do you like me?

When Hyunjin heard this he almost crashed into a tree. He quickly parked the car.

Minho- Wtf?! What was that? We almost die Hyunjin-
Hyunjin- sorry I panicked.
Minho- whatever
Hyunjin- u really want to know my feelings about u?
Minho- yeah....
Hyunjin- Well I love u Minho. I started having a crush on u when I saw your face. I realized that u were an angel. I always feel safe and comfortable around you. I don't think I can live without u.

Hearing this words Minho looked at Hyunjin. He tried to speak but no word came out. He blinked his eyes for several times.

Minho- I- I don't know what to say. I think I should walk home.
Hyunjin- What hold on
Minho- I'm so sorry Bye
Hyunjin- Minho!

Minho got out of the car. He started walking as fast as he could. His heart was beating so fast and his ears was red. Hyunjin sat there trying to understand what just happened. He could feel tears running down his cheeks. He started driving again while he was crying his eyes out. Instead of  going home he went to a convenience store.

He entered the store, still crying. The cashier looked at him with a worried face. Hyunjin grabbed alcohol, cigarettes and snacks.

Cashier- It will be 10, 100 won
Cashier- Sir are u okay?
Hyunjin- it is not your business

Hyunjin left the store. He felt bad for the cashier. He got a called from Seungmin but he declined.

Seungmin was trying to call Hyunjin when he heard about what happened with Minho. He already called him for 14 times and was starting to get worry. He then got a message from Hyunjin


Hyunjin- I will talk with u later

Seungmin- are u okay Hyunjin?

I think I'm inlove with ur brother "Hyunho"Where stories live. Discover now