are u dumb?

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Seungmin: so what's up?
Minho: well idk where to start but like Hyunjin likes me
Seungmin: well it's great that he likes you, you will have a great relationship with ur brother in law
Minho: Are u dumb?
Seungmin: No..
Minho: he likes me, he has a crush on me
Seungmin: ohhh..WHAT
Minho: yeah
Seungmin: but he is with Felix..
Minho: they broke up..

Minho explained the whole situation to Seungmin.

Seungmin: I..I don't know what to say
Minho: what do I do. I like Chan like a big brother
Seungmin: And Hyunjin?
Minho:.. well I used to have a crush on him..
Seungmin: no way
Minho: yeah but since he started dating my brother I lost feeling
Seungmin: are u sure about that??
Minho: idk idk..

Minho POV

What should I do? Idk if I still have feelings for Hyunjin. And Chan.. I don't want to hurt him.
Damn my head is hurting so bad.

Seungmin: u good?
Minho: yeah dw. I think I should go
Seungmin: Hey wait let me call someone to pick u up
Minho: ok

Seungmin POV

Oh shit I forgot to give the others my new number.. I only gave it to Jeongin, Minho and Hyunjin. Ha well I guess I will text Hyunjin.


Seungmin- Hey

Hyunjin- Hey Seungmin

Seungmin- come pick up Minho. He is not feeling well
The address ##########

Hyunjin- Oh ok Thanks

Seungmin- also take the opportunity

Hyunjin- the opportunity? Wdym take the opportunity?? for what?

Seungmin- Are u dumb?

Hyunjin- no..

Seungmin- to confess. Minho already know about ur feelings

Hyunjin- HOW?!

Seungmin- long story but I can tell u, he used to have a crush on u
So u better pray that he still have these feelings.

Hyunjin- WHAT?! WAIT?! what should I say...

Seugmin- whatever ur heart says. Hurry up

Hyunjin- OK! Thks

I think I'm inlove with ur brother "Hyunho"Where stories live. Discover now