im sorry..

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Hyunjin and Felix was waiting in the hall of the hospital. They were both crying.

Chan: I'm here! What happened? Why did u guys called me?? Why are u guys crying like that?
Felix: Minho...
Chan: what? What happened to Minho? Where is he??

Nobody answered him. Chan started panicking.

Chan: Answer me!
Hyunjin: .....He fell down and hit the corner of the table. He was bleeding alot
Chan: What!? How did he fell down?!
Hyunjin: long story but I can tell u that it was my fault

Suddenly the doctor came out of the room where Minho was.

Doctor: Are you Minho's family?
Felix: I-I'm his brother they are his friends
Doctor: well he is okay. He just need alot of rest. He will stay here for 1-2 days.
Chan: can we see him??
Doctor: ofc but he is sleeping.

The 3 boys ran in the room. Minho was lying in the bed. He had bandages on his head and he was pale. Felix hugged Minho. Chan started crying when he saw Minho like that and Hyunjin.. Hyunjin he kept his distance. Even tho he wanted to hug Minho, he was scared that he would accidentally hurt him.

Felix: it's my fault. I was so angry. He didn't even know about that.
Chan: what do u mean? What are u talking about.??
Felix: well Hyunjin b-broke up with me because he likes someone else..

Felix cried even harder when he said that. He still couldn't imagine "breaking up with Hyunjin"

Felix: and..and I got mad and punched Minho and he fell down and hit the corner of the table and now he is like that because of me
Chan: what.. no don't think like that but why would punched Minho?
Hyunjin: I have a crush on him..

There was an awkward silence in the room. Chan looked at Hyunjin with a surprised face while Hyunjin looked down as he didn't want to look into the other's eyes

Chan: you.. you like him
Hyunjin: sorry
Chan: but.
Felix: wait what happened
Hyunjin: ....Chan likes Minho too.
Felix: what..

Chan was about to say something when they heard a little "where am i?". Minho finally woke up. He looked around confused. Felix hugged him tight.

Felix: sorry sorry sorry sorry I'm so sorry
Minho: woah what happened?
Felix: I'm so sorry
Chan: Minho.. are u okay
Hyunjin: minho..
Minho: yeahh my head is hurting but someone pls answer my question.
Felix: you are in the hospital because of me im so sorry

Felix was about to say the truth but then Hyunjin changed the whole story. He said that Felix got mad because he was breaking up with him and that Felix was about to leave. Minho tried to stop him but the other pushed him making Minho lost his balance and fell down and hitting his head blah blah blah

Chan and Felix looked at Hyunjin so confused. Minho then started laughing

Minho: it's not a big deal then. Well im sorry for u guys.
Felix: ha it's okay u need to rest now.
Chan: yeah
Hyunjin: I'm going bye rest well Minho.
Minho: thks and I hope ur crush likes u back.
Hyunjin: ....I hope too..
Chan: I'm going to buy some food. You must be hungry
Minho: yeahh buy my favorite snacks and drink you know what is it right??
Chan: ofc how could I forget?
Felix: well anything for me
Chan: okay


Hyunjin: I'm sorry Chan
Chan: you know damn well that I like him
Hyunjin: yeah.. but I got that feeling before knowing that
Chan: I hate u
Hyunjin: I'm sorry Chan I didn't mean to have a crush on him
Chan: whatever just don't talk to me again.

I think I'm inlove with ur brother "Hyunho"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat