Im breaking up with u

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Hyunjin and Felix entered Felix's room. Hyunjin closed the door then sat on the bed.

Hyunjin: come here

Felix sat next to Hyunjin kinda worried. Hyunjin looked very serious. The taller boy grabbed Felix's hand and started talking.

Hyunjin: look Felix, I love u
Felix: Yeah me too I love u Hyunjin. But why u look so serious while saying it
Hyunjin: well when im saying I love u not in that way but in a friendly way. I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I don't have the same feelings that I used to have for u.

<I got feelings for someone else. I'm breaking up with you. Im sorry Felix>

Hearing this words Felix could feel his world breaking. He could feel his heart breaking into pieces.

Felix: you must be joking right? This is a joke. No no it is a dream right. Hyunjin wouldn't do this type of joke. I need to wake up I need to wake up
Hyunjin: it is not a dream im sorry Felix. I don't like you the same way I used to.
Hyunjin: calm down Felix
Felix: no no you can't leave me alone we are meant to be together. We are soulmates.
Hyunjin: I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with u. I like someone else
Felix:and who is it..

Hyunjin looked at Felix with a panicked face.

Hyunjin: you don't need to know who is it
Felix: is it my brother?? Is it Minho? Is it LEE MINHO??
Hyunjin: I said u don't need to know that
Felix: ha I knew it, you like him. I could tell that. The way you look at him.
Hyunjin: Fine it is him but don't tell him
Felix: oh so you are saying right in my face that u are leaving me because u got feelings for my brother and that I should keep that as a secret.
Hyunjin: well.. i- I
Felix: you bitch

Felix opened the door aggressively then ran in the kitchen. Minho was cleaning the table.

Felix: You bitch you stole Hyunjin.

Minho turned around to see Felix running up to him. Felix punched Minho in the face. Minho lost his balance and fell down. But when he fell down his head hit the corner of the table. Felix grabbed Minho's shirt, he was about to punch him again but Hyunjin stopped him

Felix: u already fainted?? U are that weak huh. I don't know how Hyunjin could like you more than me.

Felix then saw blood on Minho's head. Felix's face change from angry to worried. He then said with a trembling voice.

Felix: m-minho? Why is there b-blood on your head?
Hyunjin: what?! Wdym blood?!
Felix: i- I

Hyunjin pushed Felix away. He grabbed Minho's face. Seeing how he is bleeding he started crying

Hyunjin: what did u do?!
Felix: i- I don't know i didn't mean too.

Felix quickly took out his phone from his pocket then called 911

Unknown: 911 what is your emergency?
Felix: my brother fell down and accidentally hit the corner of the table. He is bleeding very bad he is also unconscious

The woman who was on the called with Felix told him to give them their address and that they will arrived soon. Hyunjin took his handkerchief and pressed it on the wound. He tried to keep his calm but he couldn't stop crying.

(Heyy guys. Idk what happened to me today but I got ALOT of imagination. And I made the story kinda dramatic💀. Also idk what number you call when you are in danger or like injured in Korea so that's why I wrote "911". I hope you guys are doing well. Bye bye💓)

I think I'm inlove with ur brother &quot;Hyunho&quot;Where stories live. Discover now