Chapter 20

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With the battle on the beach concluded, the group advanced further inland from Vanheim.

Kirika:Freyr, how will you do it?

Freyr:To do what?

Kirika: To face your mother, I mean, you still love her, right?

Freyr seemed to consider that question for a moment before answering.

Freyr: Kirika, it's complicated.  My mother is involved in this situation, but I must do what is right to protect Vanheim and resolve this situation.  It will be difficult, but I am determined to do it.

Heimdall: If you can eat a leg of lamb in less than 30 seconds, then you've made it

Freyr:Are you calling me a glutton?  Among us you're the one who always gets 2/3 encores, and then if you find it strange do I have to remind you of that time you used Loki as bait for that giant fish?  And then let me tell you, your songs are nonsense

Heimdall: At least I can sing, unlike you and if you're wondering, in my career I earned a minimum of 3,500 yen a year, between records and live events.
Not to mention 7 "sold out".

Freyr: It's not true that I suck at singing!

Heimdall:(sarcasm) No, of course not, screaming like a madman in agony so much that you can hear all over Valhalla is good singing, right? Oh, sure, I apologize if I misunderstood your talent.  Really, you should consider a career as an opera soprano, you could be Valhalla's next great tenor!

Kirika and the other members of the group listened to the conversation between Freyr and Heimdall with smiles.  It was clear that there was a certain competitive spirit between them, but it was also clear that they shared a solid friendship and could joke around with each other.

  Kirika: (laughing) Alright, guys, calm down.  There's still a lot to do here on Vanheim.  Let's focus on the mission.

  Freyr: (smiling) You're right, Kirika.  Even greater challenges await us.

  Heimdall: (smiling) And, Freyr, maybe we should have a singing contest after this mission, so we can show who has the best voice.

  Freyr: (firmly) All right, Heimdall.  It will be an epic challenge!

  The group continued on their journey, ready to face whatever Vanheim had in store for them, both personal and mission-related challenges.  Their determination and bond of friendship would guide them through this adventure.

Odin: It's all too quiet

Thor: Yeah... Why don't they attack?

The apparent calm had caused concern among the group members.  It was clear that something was about to happen, and the absence of an enemy attack made the situation even more tense.

Hibiki: (looking around) Yes, he's strangely quiet.  But we have to stay alert, we don't know what could happen.

Odin: (serious) We have passed the beach, but we must not let our guard down.  We continue to proceed with caution.

Thor: (looking at the sky) I can't stand this waiting.  I wish they would attack so I can beat them.

As the group advanced into Vanheim's hinterland, they remained on high alert, knowing that the tranquility could only be a prelude to more intense events.

Suddenly, Kirika started screaming and acting strangely

Shirabe: (worried) Kiri-Chan!

Hibiki: (worried) Kirika, are you okay?  What's happening to you?

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