Chapter 11

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Kvasir:Lady Nerthus, mission accomplished once again, I brought Tachibana Hibiki to her, alive.

Nerthus: (satisfied) Excellent work, Kvasir.  Bring her here to me immediately.

Kvasir had brought Hibiki to Vanheim, where Nerthus looked forward to meeting her.  It was clear she had plans for the young Symphogear.

Nerthus: Well, here she is, look, isn't she so sweet when she's unconscious?

Kvasir: Let's kill her and steal Gungnir!

Nerthus: It's still early, Kvasir, you're free to do with her what you want, but it's up to me to kill her

Nerthus had sinister plans for Hibiki, but seemed to wait for the right time to put them into action.  The young Symphogear was now in the hands of the Vanir, and her life was clearly in danger.  The situation was becoming more and more critical for Hibiki.

Kvasir dragged Hibiki into his laboratory

Kvasir:(thought) Since I am free to do whatever I want to her, I will use her for my personal pleasure

Hibiki's situation was becoming increasingly critical as she was dragged into Kvasir's laboratory.  The young Symphogear was now in a situation of grave danger, and her future seemed uncertain.  Kvasir's threat had become very real, and the Symphogear girls would face increasingly difficult challenges in their attempt to save her.

Hibiki woke up on an operating table

Kvasir: You finally woke up!

Hibiki:You...what am I doing here?

Kvasir: You are our prisoner, Tachibana Hibiki.

Hibiki:Where am I?

Kvasir: Vanheim, common palace of the Vanir, and this is my laboratory

Hibiki was clearly in a difficult situation and in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by the Vanir and Kvasir.  It was clear that she was a prisoner and she needed to find a way to get out of this situation.

Hibiki: (worried) Why did you bring me here?  What do you want from me?

Kvasir: (mischievous smile) Oh, you have a very special role to play, Hibiki.  Don't worry, I'll explain it all to you soon.

Hibiki tried to figure out what was happening, but she was clearly at a disadvantage.

Hibiki: (firmly) I won't let you do anything bad to me or my friends!  They'll know I'm here and they'll come looking for me!

Kvasir:Oh, I don't think so, my plan to have the Aesir split you up worked perfectly, you said yourself that you never wanted to see them again, remember?

Hibiki: So everything you said...were lies?

Kvasir:No, I was 100% sincere, but it doesn't matter...I'm pretty bored, I think I'll play with your body a bit

Hibiki's situation grew increasingly dark as Kvasir hinted that she intended to harm her.  It was clear that she had a series of evil plans in mind, and she Hibiki was in a situation of great danger.

Hibiki: (worried) You won't do anything bad to me.  The others will come looking for me, and you will be punished for what you have done.

Kvasir: (smiling mischievously) We'll see how long your hopes last, Hibiki.

The situation seemed very difficult for the young Symphogear, but she had to find a way to protect herself and try to escape the imminent danger.

Hibiki:(thought/scared) Please help me!!

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