Chapter 13

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The kiss between Hibiki and Odin symbolized their love for each other and the strength of their bond. As they crossed the Bifrost and headed for new adventures, they knew they had precious support in each other. With their love and determination, they were ready to face any challenge that came their way.

As the Bifrost transported them across mysterious and colorful worlds, Hibiki and Odin knew they were about to begin a new phase of their lives together, ready to face whatever fate had in store for them. With love, courage, and hope, they were ready to overcome any adventure that awaited them on their return to Midgard.

Odin:Hibiki, I want to be with you...forever, so come out with me

Hibiki, visibly moved by Odin's words and their deep bond, smiled tenderly.

Hibiki: (moved) Of course, Odin. I want to be with you forever. Come out with me.

Their love was now declared, and they were looking forward to a future together, facing everything that came, with love and determination.

Hibiki:(smiling) But not before fulfilling our duty

Hibiki and Odin had declared their love for each other, but they also knew they had a mission to complete. Their duty to protect humanity and meet the challenges that lay ahead was still at the center of their lives. But now, they had a new source of strength in their love for each other, ready to face whatever fate had in store for them.

Odin: (firmly) You're right, Hibiki. We must fulfill our duty and protect the world. We will face every challenge together, as allies and as lovers.

Their love had made them stronger, and now they were ready to join forces to protect Midgard and humanity. With hearts full of love and determination, they knew they would face whatever came their way.

The two lovebirds traveled the Bifrost to Midgard, but when they arrived in Tokyo they saw a horrifying sight, the city was entirely destroyed

Hibiki: (shocked) No... It can't be true...

Odin: (visibly worried) Something terrible has happened here. We need to find out what happened and how we can help.

As they ventured into the ruins of the city, they knew they faced a new challenge, a threat they must face together to protect Midgard and humanity.


Ogawa approached Hibiki and Odin

Hibiki:Mr Ogawa, what happened here?

Ogawa: First of all, welcome back Odin...The Vanir were like crazy, they attacked the city with a noteworthy fury, there were many casualties

Hibiki:How are the others?

Ogawa:They're all fine

Hibiki:(repentant) It's my fault, I let myself be fooled by Kvasir's words and allowed him to kidnap me

Ogawa: You don't have to blame yourself, Hibiki. The Vanir's traps were deceptive, and you did your best to protect the city. Now that you are back, we can work together to address this threat and restore security.

Odin: We destroyed the Vanir's cannon, but they still seem determined to do harm.

Ogawa: We know you did everything you could, Odin. Now we need a plan to counter the Vanir and restore peace to Midgard.

Odin:Human, Hibiki has had a hard day, find her a place where she can rest


Ogawa took Hibiki to the shelter where she sadly holed up in her room, alone.

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