Chapter 5

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Arriving at the meeting hall, the symphogears and the gods began to argue

Baldur: Where's Hibiki?

Tsubasa: (answering to Baldur) Hibiki isn't feeling well this morning due to…um, problems he had last night.

Miku: (nodding) It's best if she rests and joins us later.

Thor: (seriously) I understand, but we have to start talking anyway.  Threats don't wait.

Baldur: (confirming) You're right.  We have many issues to address.

Thus began the meeting, with everyone ready to discuss the challenges and dangers they were facing.  Hibiki, meanwhile, was trying to recover from her hangover in her bed.

Baldur: (seriously) It is clear that Nerthus and his allies are determined to continue their quest for vengeance.  We must be ready to counter them.

Thor: (briefly) We need a clear plan of action and better cooperation between the Symphogears and the Aesir gods.

Tsubasa: (determined) Yes, we have to find a way to stop them once and for all.

Chris: (thoughtfully) And we also need to find out what they're trying to achieve, what drives them so much.

Maria: (convincingly) We will fight to the best of our ability, but we need all the information available about them.

As the meeting progressed, Hibiki recuperated in his room, hoping to join her friends soon to face the challenges ahead.  His head still throbbed with pain, but he knew he would do anything he could to help fight Nerthus and the Helwalkers.

Hibiki, though still with mild symptoms, felt much better than in the morning.  After a good deal of rest and drinking water to hydrate, her headache subsided and her nausea subsided.  He got ready quickly and decided to reach the meeting room to join his friends and allies.

Once there, she apologized for her being late and for her condition in the morning, thanking Tsubasa and Miku for pushing her to take care of herself.

Hibiki: (gratefully) Thank you, Tsubasa, Miku, for letting me rest.  I am now ready to join you in the meeting.

Tsubasa: (smiling) The meeting is long over, but I'm glad you recovered

Chris: But tell me, a high school girl who gets drunk, you should be ashamed Hibiki!

Hibiki joined the meeting with a smile, grateful for the support of her friends.  However, Chris's words made her blush slightly and feel a little embarrassed.

Hibiki: (smiling embarrassed) It wasn't my fault, Loki told me...

Maria: (intervening) Hibiki, maybe it's better not to give too many explanations.  Loki is known for his pranks.

Thor: (smiling) Loki is Loki, you can never completely trust his words.

Baldur: (seriously) Anyway, Hibiki, what matters is that you're better now.  We need all the strength available to face the threats that surround us.

Hibiki: (firmly) Yes, you're right, Baldur.  I'm ready to give my all to help in the fight.

That afternoon, Baldur led the girls back to Midgard, ready to face new challenges and to continue their alliance with the Aesir gods.  Despite the recent setbacks and Loki's pranks, their commitment to the fight against Nerthus and the Helwalkers remained steadfast.  Hibiki felt much more energetic and ready to contribute to the fullest extent of her abilities.

Hibiki: (determined) Come on, girls.  We have a lot of work to do.

Miku: (confidently) We are with you, Hibiki.

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