His October Presence (Bruce/FemBarry)

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Blair Allen found herself always meeting him in the dark, she always did meet him in the darkest corners of Gotham City. Their love was forbidden really, the laws of the universe as well as their own did not condone their relationship. Their love always had a very dangerous flavor to it. It was hard to describe, but she always thought they were like two young adolescents acting like high schoolers: the Bat and The Flash. Together. 

Blair cut off all thoughts about the future of such an explosive relationship. Their ideologies were drastically different. Blair didn't torture her foes, but Bruce... Batman did. She was focused on trying to bring hope to the people of her city, while Batman put fear into not just the population of Gotham, but the world as well. 

Blair lay there, trying to grasp for sleep. She had been going over scenarios in her mind ever since he laid his hands on her, ever since his lips landed on hers on that rooftop, in front of the bat signal. He had her desperate, sloppy, wanting more of what he offered her. She was like a traveler stranded in the middle of a desert, desperately gulping down on any drop of affection Bruce gave her. 

Each scenario ended with them together, she couldn't allow herself to think otherwise. 


She sped into the alley, the light at the end stopped flickering, now a faint glow as she was in flash time, so even light seemed slow. It was good because Blair could never get used to the rustling and bustling of the Gotham nights. The vibrant colors of Central City were replaced with a dull black and grey. She felt out of depth, both in this city and with the man she was about to meet with. But the thought brought out the giddiness in her stomach, she checked her lipstick for the final time, making sure that she looked pretty for Bruce.

Blair exited Flash time, checking her surroundings. She couldn't help the excitement running through her, the speed force pulsed in her veins, she was trying so hard not to vibrate, her skin cells entering such an excited state of anticipation it was nearly uncontrollable. It was always like that with him, she didn't know what to expect, and damn it it was the best thing that has happened to her, the only thing interesting outside of her ordinary life. Not even the fastest bullet can make her flinch, so having this kind of relationship really made her remember how unpredictable her life could be. 

She had never been attracted to these types of men before, they were a very rare breed. She had never met a man who made her feel this way, so frustrated and desperate yet very loved and cared for. It was so alive, with him, it was never quiet. 

The two love birds, well he is a bat, but whatever, she thought. The metaphor still worked. Blair was never the type of person to normally put herself in the open like this, flaunt all of herself in one giant explosion of beauty and emotion to a person, but this man, this man was different. He made her insane, he made her obsessive over him, and she loved it. She lived for it, for him. 

On the other side, Bruce had once learned how cruel the world can be. Showing emotion was weakness, it was death. Bruce admired and pitied Blair for her connection to him. He liked the fact that she held herself as strong and confident, she always had to adjust to the things life threw at her. He wanted to honor her, to reward her endlessly for her confidence in him.  He promised himself that he would always be there for her, prove to her that he could be good, that he was a good man. 

He turned to face her, he gave her a genuine smile, something she loved so much. Blair got closer, fighting against every single urge to jump on him and kiss him. Bruce initiated the contact, he always did. Their lips met, neither wanting to be not even a nanosecond apart. 

"I missed you," Blair whispered on his lips.

She was almost afraid to say anything, expecting Batman to pull away, for her to lose the sweet contact of his lips on hers. But instead, his lips formed into a smile. It almost caused Blair to squeal like a fangirl. It was the closest thing ever to getting an 'I missed you too' from Bruce and she was okay with it because sometimes actions spoke louder than words. 

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