High School Jock(Barry/Kara)

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A request by dstroyr8nikh

Barry is a rising football star, he ended up at Midvale Highschool due to his mother separating from his father. Kara has always been that one weird kid, but that changed when Barry moved to her school, she suddenly wanted to impress him, changing her outfit, putting makeup on, but Barry is as oblivious as he is good at football. Little does he know Kara harbors feelings for him.

Kara was at the lunch table eating her food, she was alone as she wasn't very sociable, she didn't have many friends. Suddenly she heard a ruckus as the doors opened and what caught her eye was the new kid that strolled in with a band of other football players tailing him.  Kara pulled off her glasses and observed him more, his smile lit up the whole room, she smiled and quickly looked down as he looked her way. 

"So let me get this straight, you come from one of the biggest high schools in the tri-state area, you're the top of your class, captain of the high school football team, and then you decide to move out here?" A darker fellow asked Barry, who nodded.

"Exactly what happened," Barry responded. Kara turned around and saw that the school bully, who was also on the football team, was actually the captain of the varsity football team here. A poor guy who was in his way got his tray knocked out of his hands.

"Move, Ramon, before I give you a knuckle sandwich!" The guy yelled.

"Jake stop," Kara told him, Jake turned towards her and walked towards her table. Barry got in front of Kara and stopped Jake in his tracks.

"That's enough, Jake," Barry said firmly.

"Look at you, you think you're so tough, you're nothing, you hear me," Jake snarled. 

"Step back from the girl, she had nothing to do with your outburst, and I suggest you walk away, or things are gonna get ugly," Barry told him. 

"I'm not afraid of you, meet me outside near the Big Belly Burger, 7 PM, don't be late," Jake growled and walked away. 

"I'm sorry that he picked on you, I could've reacted sooner but I didn't," Barry apologized as he picked up Cisco's tray and helped him clean up the mess. Thank god they didn't cause too much of a ruckus. 

"No problem man, I was stupid enough to be in Jake's way," Cisco said.

"You were tired of getting pushed around, you pushed back, it's natural, I don't blame you," Barry patted his shoulder, Cisco smiled and nodded, he then walked away as Barry sat next to Kara who nervously shifted to the side to make space for him. 

"Hey, I didn't catch your name," Barry told her. Kara adjusted her glasses and looked up at him.

"K-Kara," She stuttered out, she mentally punched herself in the face. Barry looked strained, his eyebrow raised.

"Klara?" Barry asked.

"Kara," She said louder, Barry hummed loudly.

"Oh! Kara, well it's nice to meet you, I'm Barry, soon-to-be captain of the football team," Barry told him.

"Wow, you must be really talented at what you do," Kara said.

"Oh, well as much as you, I assume you specialize in something? A subject?" Barry asked. Kara nervously smiled.

"I... I can sing," Kara told him. Barry smiled widely.

"Awesome! I was actually in choir during Junior High, I know a little bit about singing too," Barry said.

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