Ji Pomelo's expression condensed.


Is the Horcrux master so admired?

In the past, she lived on the trash star, rushed and tired for three meals a day, and did not have the mind to care about things other than survival. This class was the first time that Jiyou deeply felt the people's love and affection for the Horcrux makers. Respected.

  Inexplicably, Jiyou also has a little sense of professional glory.

  ——Although I am not a master yet, the future can be expected.

Then, Cheng Yu said: "You can also use this instrument to show, you can see the difference between the Horcrux made by Master Lin Feng and the Horcrux made by Master Celadon. It is also a low-level Horcrux. Why is Master Lin Feng only worthwhile? 1 million, but the master of the celadon, the teacher said it can be worth 3 million."


  The jade knife was put into the instrument, and everyone's eyes were fixed on it.

  Jiyou also put away her laughter, staring attentively-this jade knife is nothing special at first glance, but slowly, as the instrument's display becomes clearer and clearer, the patterns on the jade knife are flowing.

    is the second one.

     The book is now in pk, I hope everyone will vote for me more recommendations, and leave a message, be active, and try not to fatten up, please finish reading, thank you all, づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~


  (End of this chapter)

 Chapter 167 Array Diagram

  Chapter 167


   Ji Pomelo's eyes moved:

The lines on the jade knife gradually become clear, and it seems to be alive, slowly flowing, but it is still different from my own earrings Horcrux. Its circulation speed is very slow, very slow... and the veins are quite different. Complicated, many lines flowed around, suddenly stuck in one place...


  The lines carved by yourself and the strokes drawn are actually very simple, clear in context, smooth in circulation, and the circulation speed is very uniform, and there will never be a problem of stalling in the middle.

  Could it be——

  The other party's problem lies in the complicated lines?

  Jiyou is a bit confused.

   What's even stranger is that the lines and veins on this jade knife are carved separately on the front of the jade knife, which accounts for only about one-fifth of the jade knife.


   Ji Yu thought to herself, if she is herself, she will definitely not only use a certain part to paint, but will use the entire area of ​​the jade knife...


  One question, another.

  For Jiyou, it is an unsolved mystery.

At the scene, all the students stared at the jade knives intently, and then—the lines on the jade knives became slower and slower and more and more stuck—as soon as they were about to collapse, Cheng Yu immediately closed the lid of the instrument. Looking around, he said: "Hey... I said, fellow students, please relax, this is one million credits! It broke, will you accompany me?"

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