twenty one - fox

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Catherine shrinks back ever so slightly and opens her mouth to speak, only for Mae to give a warning glare. "Oh I am not done. And finally, I'm treading on egg shells to ensure April is happy, Harriet is happy, Jackson is happy, the court is happy, the apartment is suitable, I'm suitable, I don't ruin this for Jackson and Harriet. And what are you doing, Catherine, other than fucking shit up and stirring the pot that you have no right to?" She demands.

April has turned away, hand over mouth to cover her smirk, in a bid to compose herself. Jackson is biting his tongue in a bid to cover his amusement but he licks his lips and let's it show. Catherine's jaw hangs open in dumbfounded shock. There's silence before Mae gives a long sigh.

"I'm sorry I'll go. I over stepped as usual." She mutters and pushes her chair back.

"No no, I think you said what was right." April shakes her head, finally looking at Mae. "Thank you - for everything you do for Harriet."

Mae smiles small. "You're welcome. I'm still gonna make a swift exit, let yall talk." She motions around the table. "I can't be near her any longer." She nods at Catherine. She scoffs, offended.

Jackson leans over and kisses Mae deeply. "You're phenomenal." He muses, looking into her eyes.

She smiles. "I am. I'll see you later." She pecks his lips and slips out.

As she leaves, she hears April make a passing comment. "If you don't marry her, I will."


"You are going to get assassinated one day." MJ warns as she and Mae walks, arms linked, down the High Street. "Catherine has it all planned, I know it."

Mae smirks. "I bet I know a better sniper than she does." She jokes.

"She has more money than you, sweetpea." MJ giggles.

"Stop talking about the Fox and tell me about this baby." Mae pushes the subject off her and onto MJ. "How's she doing?"

"He is doing good."

"I'm so mad you won't find out. You're just scared I'm wro-" Mae is cut off by a faint popping sound. "Is that-"

"Shots." MJ pales and scrambles to pull her phone out before lunging for Mae. "Don't you- Mae! Wigan!" She screams as her friend runs back towards the shopping centre they just left, now a few blocks behind them.

Mae sprints, something she hasn't done in a long time, towards the mall and into the crowds running away. She looks around and assesses the scene; 2nd floor, bank. She can see 2 figures but she can't be sure of more.

"Ma'am, you must leave!" A voice barks at her.

"Major Wigan, army vet. Former medic and current trauma surgeon at Grey Sloan. What's happening?" She demands, walking over to the cop stood behind one of the pillars.

"4 masked assailants, all armed. We have 3 casualties outside the bank and maybe more inside." He grumbles, eyes glancing to the upper floor. "They shoot any time there's movement."

"Trigger happy. Anxiety driven." Mae tuts. "You got contact inside?"

"Leave this to us-"

"Us? You and who? The mall security who've probably holed up inside their office?" She challenges, motioning around. "I'll follow orders but I want a gun."

"Absolutely- fine." He huffs.

Within a few minutes, she's vested up with a PD issued rifle and a medic bag on hand. She's under strict instructions to try and get to the casualties but do not engage with the offenders. Boring. By now the block is cordoned off and there's quite a few more officers.

"Mae! Mae, don't do this!" MJ calls as she desperately leans over the barrier. "Cmon." She pleads.

Mae smiles assuringly. "I got this, M."

"No, no you don't! You're doing this because this is what Tyler would do or drag you into! Think clearly, Mae. What about Jackson, and Harriet?" She snaps, losing her kind edge.

Mae glares. "Don't bring Ty into this. What's wrong with you!?" She snatches the bag and heads inside after the officers escorting her.

"Stay l-"

"If you dare suggest how I navigate gunfire and terror situations, you can leave." Mae whispers harshly to Officer Jules. "I could do this with my eyes closed - practically have already."

She gives Mae a disapproving look, very openly against sending a civilian into this, but she got overruled. 'She's a medic, she knows her stuff, she's more experienced' blah blah blah.

"Casualty one identified." Jules says into her comms. She signals for Mae to go.

Mae crouches down and looks across at the bank, one of the perps pacing. She sinks down behind a pillar, well covered, and digs out some gloves. "Hey. Are you with me? Can you tell me your name?"

The man, possibly in his late 20s, slowly turns his head to look over at her. "Y-yeah... I-Im Paxton." He swallows hard. Despite his dark complexion, he's looking very pale.

Mae gives a reassuring smile. "Hi Paxton, my name is Mae, I'm a doctor. Where abouts are you hit?"

"L-left side." He goes to move but Mae holds up her hands quickly, glancing back at the store.

"No sudden movements, Pax. What I'm going to do is push some gauze pads over and you're going to slowly push them against the wound, you got it?" She asks, focusing on him.

He shakily nods, his own eyes flicking to the pacing figures across the mall. Mae half opens the packets and then pushes them across the floor to him, mouthing the word 'slow'. He moves so slowly, grabbing a handful of the pads and wincing as he pushes them into his side.

"There you go. Now I'm going to slide along the floor next time he turns to talk. I'll grab your ankle and pull you towards me, okay?" She's already sinking down onto her stomach. "Keep still, focus on the pressure on your side."

He shakily nods and squeezes his eyes shut. Mae army crawls along the floor and stretches to grab his ankle; she gives a firm tug and slides herself back, too, tugging and sliding, tugging and sliding. Just as she's gotten him almost to the pillar, a shot shatters the glass rail beside them and they all flinch.

"Hey!!!" A voice booms. "Show yourself!!!"

"Don't you dare." Jules hisses at Mae.

Mae holds her hands up and straightens up, stepping back and turning to look across at the man. His hair is long but he wears a plain, faceless mask. "My name is Doctor Wigan." She says calmly, hands up in surrender. "He was the only casualty we could save, so I had to try."

"You're an idiot. Not very smart for a doctor." He snarls.

Mae smirks a little. "Maybe not. You're smart though, huh? You've got this place locked down tight. I bet you've got a plan to get yourself out of here."

"I do." He says smugly. "Why don't you walk around here slowly and you can help."

"I'm good right here." Mae shakes her head once. Her eyes flick for the rifle but it's too far out of reach. Jules catches her eye, however, and gives a nod. "Here we can talk. About why you're doing this. What you want."

"I want my money. And I'm getting my money." He snaps, reloading his pistol. "Here. Now."

"I already said no." Mae says forcefully. "You've already got 12 hostages inside. 13 is an unlucky number-"

"Last warning." He aims the gun.

Mae lunges to the floor and grabs the rifle that's slid to her, as he begins to fire on her. She kneels and aims, shooting twice before he's on the floor. Another from inside rushes out, two of his shots hitting her chest. She flies back, sprawled on the floor as her chest throbs. 'Vests are worse than getting shot, Holy crap' is all she thinks as she gasps for breath. Her vision blurs as she gasps, fading at the edges before failing altogether...

matilda / j.averyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz