Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I love you, Martina.

I stare at Parker for a moment, fighting every urge to start bawling like a pathetic lovesick fool.

I sniffle.

"Really?" I ask.

He nods, a happy, satisfied smile on his face.

I sit up and throw my arms around him, almost knocking him off balance.

He chuckles and pulls me on top of him, bracing us before we fall off the bed.

I giggle and kiss him all over his face, his cheeks, his neck, his light stubble.

"I love you too," I laugh. "So, so much."

"Really?" he asks, his smile disappearing.

I nod. "Really. Like a lot. For a while now."

"Fuck me..." he sighs.

I straddle him and run my hands down his impressive, bare chest.

My fingers snag on his St. Michael's chain.

A recollection to minutes ago when he put it between his teeth as he fucked me harder flash through my system and turn me on all over again. Somehow.

He grins as if reading my mind.

"You need to rest, Bunny. We went a little hard and I don't want you to be sore."

"I'm already sore," I grin as I roll my hips over his groin.

He lets out a long grunt and slaps my ass.

I laugh, bending down to kiss him over his bare chest, his abs.

He's right. I am sore. And there's no way I could do that again so soon. But goodness, I want to.

We fall into a fit of playful giggles which turn to moans when he starts sucking my sensitive flesh under my breasts, around my nipples...when he runs his finger drowsily over my opening. We become a tangle of limbs soon enough, lazily making out and fooling around.

Eventually, I feel like I'm close to falling asleep from pure exhaustion.

But before I can, I feel Parker's strong, capable arms around me, scooping me up and walking me to the small cottage bathroom.

I stare in awe as he slowly, carefully, so gently, cleans me up and takes care of me.

I run my fingers through his messy light brown hair.

"I love you," I whisper again.

His blue-gray eyes meet mine, a small smile in them.

I love when he's like this. Happy. Himself.

So handsome.

"I love you, Martina."

I shiver at the way he uses my full name, reminding me of the first time he said it not even an hour ago.

He scoops me back up and I snort a laugh out.

"I can walk you know?" I ask, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Why walk when I can carry you?" he smirks.

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